Is it me or is that ewatchman guy way too negative?

by Inisc 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • whathehadas

    That guy is sooooo arrogant. He laughs at other people for believing certain doctrines like he knows for sure that his way is right. He's a One Man WT. I'll pay to see him get exposed. Is there any expose on him at Freeminds Randy?

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    One day, I will figure out why I double post, maybe posting "E-watchman is an asshole" was worthy of a "double post"? Sorry.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Is it really possible to have dialogue with someone who thinks they have all the answers? E-watchman is an asshole to the highest degree, he steps down from the Heavens to shout his basic truths, to we the "people of the dirt", who in his mind, can't even handle "milk"! I don't like his attitude!

  • RayPublisher

    It's interesting that even though he has left the WT and proclaims the leaders are corrupt he is is demonized by so many on here.

    I don't agree with a lot of his rhetoric and dogma, but at least he is exposing the sins of the GB/WT right? Should we give him that? Or no?

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Ray, I think the issue with me and Randy with "E-watchman" is he is very mean and vicious with his attacks. He would attrack more friends if he was not so angry, "King" is not afraid to verbally destroy, humiliate, or crush anyone who does not agree with his brilliance.

    You know the kind of men who are so self-righteous, so self-assured of their position and convinced me and you are going to Hell? How fun was Field Service when a brother would say "I slayed that householder, left him speechless and angry at not being able to defend the Trinity!"

    The debate battles of two brothers against the householder, while the car-group sat patiently for two hours in the burning Sun. How fun was that? We accomplished nothing but enraging the householder and pissing off the nice car-group for ego. Robert King is not afraid to allow his personal ego to distract his other message that "Something is very wrong in New York, Something very bad!"

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I feel like he is the type of apostate that the WT warns the rank and file about. They are painted as wacky and desiring to draw others away to worship them. EW wants that adoration so he fits the bill and makes a point for the WT

  • Bangalore

    I used to post on his board a few years back. Then one day I got booted off his board along with many others. He did not like some of the threads we started.


  • Bangalore

    Here is a link to his posts when he used to post as You Know on this board.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    wow I just read a few. That guy is a real piece of crap isn't he?

  • AnnOMaly

    There was also a poster here for a while known as Amazing.

    That would be Jim Whitney.

    HERE's an example of where he and King are laying into each other.

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