Is it me or is that ewatchman guy way too negative?

by Inisc 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • ProdigalSon

    Nambo: Prodigalson, what became of that forum that was started after Robert had his mass purge? I never joined that as I escaped the clear out for a few months anyway, is it still going?

    I was on it for awhile but it was really slow and the people that were posting weren't much better than JW's when it comes to dogma. I have not even been on that site to lurk in several months now.

    What I think happens when a lot of JW's become disillusioned with the WT is that they delve head first into the Bible thinking that they now have the "freedom" to find it's right interpretation but they never question that maybe it isn't really the "Word of God" afterall. So they become Bible worshipers instead of GB worshipers and that's what you see on forums like Robert's now. So its still going but not much has changed. Almost every thread is about gloom and doom and who Jehovah is going to massacre at Armageddon.

    I don't think he banned you. He said that he was going to delete the accounts of people if they went 30 days without posting. He wants his members to participate. I would say that's a control thing. He doesn't want a lot of people lurking while logged in if he doesn't see them toeing the e-W line on a regular basis. It has to do with paranoia/distrust in my opinion. So, I wouldn't take it personally or speculate about what it was that you did to get banned.

    So since Robert King worships Jehovah, why is it such a shock that he acts just like him?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh he purged alot from his website. All my posts are long gone

  • Nambo

    No, I was banned allright, I was still active there, went to log on one day and was no longer accepted.

  • JWOP

    I used to post on Robert's board as far back as when it was nothing more than a glorified guestbook in 2004. I was "Melancholy Muse". I think it was in 2006 when he started purging everyone from the board that didn't agree with certain viewpoints. I jumped ship before I got purged, there was no need to stick around. The "purgees" started a new board afterwards, which I still post on today.

    Robert is a puzzle to me: He is so against the Watchtower Society and yet holds fast so much of their system. I don't get it.

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