As I've understood it the GB has taken a vow of poverty. On JWN they are constantly accused of guilt tripping their subjects to keep distributing there literature to make converts in order to keep growing the number of donations which is a valid point. I ask this question in all honesty and naivety to see where the truth of the matter lies. What is all of this money spent on? Who personally benefits from all this massive wealth? The GB doesn't have lavish summer vacationing properties anywhere do they? Do they really live simple lives or do they secretly have expensive creature comforts? Are they just a product of Mind Control too or do they know exactly what they are doing and planning on someday retiring to some island where they will never be found? Are they so self deluded that they think that they actually are God's mouthpiece or do they know they are faking it? They must know the history of themselves because they alter their own history.
Any ideas?