WT is a cash cow for who? do the GB know they are frauds?

by thecrushed 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thecrushed

    As I've understood it the GB has taken a vow of poverty. On JWN they are constantly accused of guilt tripping their subjects to keep distributing there literature to make converts in order to keep growing the number of donations which is a valid point. I ask this question in all honesty and naivety to see where the truth of the matter lies. What is all of this money spent on? Who personally benefits from all this massive wealth? The GB doesn't have lavish summer vacationing properties anywhere do they? Do they really live simple lives or do they secretly have expensive creature comforts? Are they just a product of Mind Control too or do they know exactly what they are doing and planning on someday retiring to some island where they will never be found? Are they so self deluded that they think that they actually are God's mouthpiece or do they know they are faking it? They must know the history of themselves because they alter their own history.

    Any ideas?

  • InterestedOne
  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    The GB don't have/make any money yet do not live like the rest of the poor-as-f**k beth-hell-ites, they don’t drive beater cars, they don't wear cheap suits and whenever they travel they get first class accommodations; who do you think is paying for all of this?

  • erbie

    First class indeed!!!

    I do wonder what Jesus would say about that.

    After all, to be born in a stable was good enough for him and rightly so.

    These guys are just worshiping theis god, Mamon.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    WT has created a monster. And this monster has a big appetite in the way of astronomical overhead costs. In addition to buildings and equipment, this monster has other expenses such as: Numerous departments including a legal department, personnel and living quarters, traveling costs, food and others sundries, insurance and medical costs, lawsuit settlements and the outlay of other expenditures needed to keep this monster alive. Revenue needs to keep rolling in to meet these costs. And so the organization burdens the flock with more and more frequent solicitations for $$$.

    Notice the following reminder for the 2012 JW Convention from the April 2012 KM page 3

    “Donations: We can show our appreciation for the convention arrangements by making voluntary contributions to the worldwide work at the convention. Any checks should be made payable to “Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.” Beginning this year all conventions will accept debit/credit card donations in addition to cash and checks.

  • LostGeneration

    Are they so self deluded that they think that they actually are God's mouthpiece?

    To this, I say "YES." Captives of a concept is how Ray Franz put it. He explains the power of MYTH, and I agree to a great extent. Its the same power that allows an elder to sit an a JC and question a young woman about her sexual experiences. And keeps the average JW wasting weekend after weekend in FS and sitting in windowless buildings listening to the SAME DAMN THING over and over. As far as the money, the GB members don't need a pocket full of cash. I'm sure they simply expense out their trips, suits, cars, dining out (if they ever even have to pick up a check) just like a CEO does.

    They have a great apartment in Brooklyn and millions of adoring fans. Party like a rock star!

    But as a whole, the money goes into operations. Right now, costs keep going up and revenue is down. Thus you see cutting the magazines (again) and selling off the valuable a$$ets in Brooklyn.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't believe the Pope has large bank accounts. This past week I heard a story about some pope wanting to make a small contribution to a church but could not b/c he had no cash.

    We can never know what is in the minds of the GB. Was Nixon NOT a crook? Did Hitler sincerely believe that Jews needed to be purged or was it a convenient way for him to ride to power in Germany. recently, I read that most of his art patrons were Jewish and that he socialized with them in cafes.

    I think one question is what is the primary objective of the Witnesses and is the money invested in that use. Sadly, I have no clue what their prime directive is. When I was young, it was Armageddon in 1975 and converting the whole earth.

    There are so many failed prophecies, documented readily by the Internet, and changes in doctrine in my lifetime. There is NO transparencies of where the money goes. Most worshipper s of other religions would refuse to donate money if there was no accountability. I an now Episcopal. Every month the parish's expenses, short term and long term budgets, and assets are listed for all to see.

    I once had large sums of cash. From working in nonprofits, I knew only to give to a local charity where I could walk in anytime. Once money begins to get large, it is very hard to keep track of it. I was forced to have exposure to accounting principles. Accounting is not bookkeeping. It is creative.

  • Kojack57

    Disillusioned lost lamb said it correctly, although the G.B. do not have real jobs per se they have the best life they could ever have.

    In the book "The four presidents of the watchtower society" Judge Russell drank the best whiskey imported from Canada, fine clothing, the best food, (2) 16 cylinder Cadillacs which were chauffeur driven sitting in the back seat of one of his cars, in white linen splendor, driving down the highway during the depression years of the 1930s, watching dirty faced children alongside the road trying to sell turnips to buy milk.a mansion built for him under the guise of building it for Abraham, issac, and Jacob in California, called Beth serim which was his vacation house,while the bethelites Made 14 dollars a month as slaves to the watchtower.

    All the societies presidents traveled and lived a life of luxury from book and magizine sales and donations from the brethren. They are still doing this down to this day. Rich people always will tell you they have no money so you wont ask for any. If you don't like how the are fleasing the flock, don't donate one red cent and your conscience will be quilt free.


  • moshe

    The GB doesn't have the cognition to understand what big losers they are- Wakeup, it's time to change your Depends.

  • Phizzy

    I think you are looking in the wrong place. The GB have a good standard of living paid for by others, but they are just figure heads.

    The people who are not deluded, who do not believe the B. S**t are the pupeteers that nobody sees that pull the GB's strings.

    The GB is made up of people who have lived all their life, or most of it, inside the W.T bubble and they believe they are there by Divine Right.

    But, if you look at how long the mind-control, the lies, the clever mis-quotes, the crafty changes of doctrine etc have gone on, from long before there even was a GB that functions like the one today, you realise that the shadowy Masters behind the scenes have been in control for decades, and that means they must appoint as replacements for themselves people like them, who do not believe and simply want to keep the whole thing going for their benefit.

    Writing and Legal Departments are where you want to look for the real power, and the real hypocrites.

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