WT is a cash cow for who? do the GB know they are frauds?

by thecrushed 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars
    Writing and Legal Departments are where you want to look for the real power, and the real hypocrites.

    I'd like to get whoever it is who is responsible for replying to correspondence in a darkened room with a good cop / bad cop routine. I can't imagine anyone doing that job (replying to letters that question the teachings/practices) for any length of time without KNOWING that it's all crap. True evil lurks in the correspondence department!


  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. is a cash cow for itself and the executive leaders have known for a long time how and where that money is derived.

    The GB members and the past Presidents of this organization know exactly where the hundreds millions came from.

    The WTS. as a publishing house has always acted as a corrupt lying exploiters and manipulators of the public.

    This is defined as a setting of freedom of religious expression in a America. $$$

  • Gayle

    The GB have three mini apts in New York. Remember, these are upscale compared to average Bethel rooms. With full amenities: prepared meals, laundry done, housecleaning, all medical, dental, WT cars, (drivers included), many etcs. Also, there are at least a type of 98 'time-shares' (within Branches) available around the world for them if visiting.

    Do they 'believe' in these blessings, of the WTS and their lifestyle? You betcha!!

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Although the WTS GB members get paid no salary.....you need to look at it this way. How much of a salary would a person have to make per year to live in NYC like these guys do, with the personal benefits they have, and be able to travel the world like these guys & their wives do?

    Think About It

  • Finkelstein

    Most JWS have absolutely no idea how privileged one is as being a member of the GB.

    Since the GB members are living off the proceeds with all of the pertaining perks from the WTS., it becomes even

    more of an importance to keep the adverse lies, corruption and exploitation of this publishing empire on going.

  • clarity

    Kojack, your comments about Rutherford living the life of luxury during the 'dirty thirties' is right on!

    The poor bible students/jw's were sending in their pennies to him, and poverty was all around him........

    Have a look ........


    The thirties were also called the Ten Lost Years they were so bad. Rutherfords Hay Day!!!


  • Finkelstein

    I guess Rutherford didn't pay attention to the scripture, where it said its harder for the rich to enter his kingdom

    than a camel to pass through a eye of a needle. ( Luke 18:25 )

    The leaders of the WTS have always been deceiving liars who offered the public religiously inspired commercial lies and lived well

    for themselves in the process, this caries on still to this day.

  • heathen

    yep don't look like JR missed too many meals and could be accused of living the life of shameless luxury at a time when others were suffering . Today they stress living a life of low profile but looks like back in the day they got away with showing off with that car he has there in pic.

  • jgnat

    As others have mentioned, the WTS is a self-perpetuating MACHINE that no one person can stop. By legal design, it outlasts its own administration. Its wealth is in assets, not in cash. The attraction for leadership, POWER and PRESTIGE. Very much like the modern Catholic church.


  • Finkelstein

    Well put jgnat

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