Breakfast: As for SCENICVIEWER'S SweetBabyCheezitsinsight on gateway porn - yes, ABSOLUTELY.
Thank you, BoC! It's good to feel validated.
Back to Lett - I met that guy at a DC probably 5 or so years back. Something's not right with that one. Seriously. And I'm not out to bash individual GB members. Met a few old-timers from Brooklyn in the past and my assessment was that, however wrong, they seemed sincere and some even had that grandfatherly thing going (not necessarily GB). Not Lett. This guy seemed to be either an outrageously pretentious, lying douche canoe or an absolute pscyhopath with a poor facade.
Either way, my inlaws were mesmerized by his distorted talking hole and made sure to kiss every inch of his televangelist-wannabe ass after the session was over. Meanwhile, I was trying to make sure he was never less than 20' from my daughter.