The Rolling Stones now share their credits for "Anybody Seen My Baby?" with k.d. lang, and in 2000, a court determined that The Rolling Stones had "improperly borrowed" two of Robert Johnson's songs, "Love in Vain" and "Stop Breakin' Down". Keith Richards was nonplussed: "There's only one song in the world," he said, "and Adam and Eve wrote it."
See link for whole article with this interesting comment:-
As for the Watchower, its their business is to steal ideas from Christian books and authors. And not just ancient authors either: Its surprising to read them quoting J.I. Packer (a Christian minister - last I heard he was in Vancover) author of "Knowing God" and lots more. They would criticise the rank and file for reading Christian stuff, but do it themselves. Of course, if the Rank and file read Christian books theywould quickly spot the plagiarism.