I got a text message from a JW, she just send me a picture of a white bearded man with xx beer on the table. The title of the picture is "I don't always study my watchtower but when I do it's during the public talk." I just do not know how to forward the image from the text message. Have any of you have seen the picture? If you can, please post the picture here, we can then talk more about the picture. Thanks!
I don't always study my watchtower but when I do it's during the public talk
by Iamallcool 13 Replies latest jw friends
To the subject matter itself. This suggestion is absolutelly very avantgarde. I had a bad habbit to study it during WT study, and when I was done and the others weren't yet, I studied also the other articles in magazine. My wife used to poke me and look angry at me, but I couldn't help myself.
At one time, I was embarrassed if I didn't have the right magazine at meetings. After my awakening, I embraced the idea. I'd take the wrong magazine and open it to an article that was CLEARLY not the article being studied (totally wrong pics was a pretty good giveaway), highlight the hell out of it to attract the gawkers. Bonus if I could find an Awake and like an article on the benefits of breast-feeding.
I think I just made some of that up but there was once an article on breast-feeding.
EDIT: CP, I think I just blatantly stole your memory. Kids, don't drink and type.
Here, Iamallcool.
I ultimately never studied the rags at all. The ones that were indoctrinations were too easy to remember with no study, and the ones that played games with words and "classes" changed so frequently and made no difference in my spirituality that it was a complete waste of my time to even look at them.
Crisis of Conscience
LOL I got that picture too. It's the Dos XX guy. He advertises for beer (I think it's a Mexican beer).
I thought it was pretty funny. For those that haven't made the connection, the following video may help.
Thanks, Afreeman
Sic Semper Tyrannis
It's fair to say that I never fully understood the logic behind studying for the WT Study. Isn't that what the WT Study is for? It's like your coach telling you to practice for practice.
The WT thinks that most Dubs are so dumb that if they haven't read and highlighted then they would simply not be able to answer.
The WT may have got something right.
I used to speed read the article during the PT, or even as the WT conductor was waffling at the beginning, then I would stroll back to the Library and look up a couple of things, and then give these insightful and erudite answers (seemingly), it was a simple system, except my WT was never underlined.
A C.O told us in a MS/Elders meeting that, "The brothers should be able to see that you have studied your WT", some meetings after that a Bro sitting next to me thought I had not pre-studied (too true!) but I said to him " I never underline/highlight as it stops the Holy Spirit from giving you a thought as your mind just sees the highlighted stuff"
Boy, if Bull***t could fly I'd be ..............