Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-29-2012 WT Study (DIVIDED)

by blondie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-29-2012 WT Study (FEBRUARY 15, 2012, pages 26-30)(DIVIDED HOUSEHOLD)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will be indented and identified

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book


    Bible translations

    WT publications

    WT child abuse

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    “How do you know but that you will

    save your [mate]?”—1 COR. 7:16.





    What can believers do to

    cultivate peace in a religiously

    divided home?


    How might a Christian help

    unbelieving family members

    to embrace true worship?


    What can others do to help

    fellow believers who live in religiously

    divided households?


    I am somewhat of an expert in the topic of “divided” households. I grew up in one for 30 years. Years of being treated as spiritually bad association just because my father was worldly, not invited to the witness parties, being assigned to other people from “divided” families to go door to door, missing meetings because my father would visit friends out of town, Basically belonging to the group we children of non-jws called THE REJECTS. The term “divided household” is not even in the bible.

    I always hated and still do that term “divided.” I knew a couple with children married 60 years happily with well adjusted children, except the father was not and never wanted to be a jw. Whereas I saw jw families both parents jws with yelling, abuse, lying, cheating. That stopped my thinking if my father were a jw our family abuse would go away.


    1. What effect can acceptance of the Kingdom message have

    on a family?

    WHEN Jesus sent out his apostles on one

    occasion, he said: “As you go, preach,

    saying, ‘The kingdom of the heavens has

    drawn near.’ ” (Matt. 10:1, 7) This good news would

    bring peace and happiness to those accepting it

    with true appreciation. However, Jesus warned his

    apostles that many would oppose their Kingdom preaching

    work. (Matt. 10:16-23) An especially painful

    form of opposition is experienced when family

    members reject the Kingdom message.—Read Matthew



    See how the WTS sets up its statements to eliminate so-called Christian non-jws? “true appreciation” and judged by the WTS as to what is true.

    Was the WTS and is the WTS persecuted for preaching “the kingdom”? How many non-jws even here the word “kingdom” come out of the mouths of jws at the door. In the monthly kingdom ministries the WTS provides 4 presentations for their publications that month, and rarely does that word, kingdom, appear.

    Really the WTS preaches that soon God will destroy all governments on earth and only the WTS/jws will remain…a concept that most likely brings resistance from those governments. Are family members rejecting the kingdom or the WTS and its interpretation that only they represent God and the kingdom?

    Check this website, , and find that the WTS is not the only “persecuted” religious group.

    2. Why is happiness not out of reach for Christians who live

    in religiously divided households?

    2 Does this mean that happiness is out of reach

    for Christ’s followers who live in religiously divided

    households? Not at all! Though family opposition

    can sometimes be severe, that is not always the

    case. Then, too, family opposition is not necessarily

    permanent. Much depends on how believers respond

    to opposition or indifference. Moreover, Jehovah

    blesses those who are loyal to him, making them

    joyful despite unfavorable circumstances. Believers

    can add to their own happiness (1) by endeavoring

    to cultivate peace in the home and (2) by sincerely

    trying to help unbelieving family members to embrace

    true worship.


    But what the WTS fails to mention is how jws in divided households are viewed as spiritual danger to other jws. Is it automatic that non-jws married to jws persecute and oppose. I remember the stories about one sister, about whom it was said that her husband persecuted and beat her. Yet talking to non-jw friends and their grown jw children, they said that story was never true. I bet that story is still circulating with no one the wiser.

    What about jws that abuse by name-calling, physical abuse, demeaning speech, controlling actions for example through finances and sex? The stories jw women told about their non-jw husbands and ex-husbands showed they were not applying “bible” principles; definitely not “sincerely trying to help unbelieving family members to embrace true worship.” Remember Peter said it was by their actions not their words they would win that person over.


    3. Why should a Christian in a divided household cultivate


    3 For the seed of righteousness to bear fruit in

    a family environment, peaceful conditions in the

    home are essential. (Read James 3:18.) Even if a

    Christian’s family is not yet unified in

    pure worship, he must make an earnest

    effort to cultivate peace in the home.

    How can this be done?

    A Christian? = only a jw

    If you grew up in such a family, did your jw parent promote “peace”? If not, what did they do? Remember the people at the KH see nothing of what goes on at home, it is only the “word” of the jw; would the elders believe the non-jw? I can remember jw sisters complaining about their lot in life, including my mother. Imagine what the non-jw mate would think finding that out, would it make them want to become a jw knowing their personal life was entertainment?

    4. How may Christians maintain their inner


    4 Christians must maintain their inner

    peace. This calls for heartfelt prayer,

    which can bring us the incomparable

    “peace of God.” (Phil. 4:6, 7) Happiness

    and peace result from taking in knowledge

    of Jehovah and applying Scriptural

    principles in life. (Isa. 54:13) Participation

    in congregation meetings and zealous

    activity in the field ministry are also

    vital if we are to enjoy peace and happiness.

    Sharing in Christian activities in

    some way is generally possible for believers

    living in divided households. For

    example, consider Enza,* whose husband

    is violently opposed. She engages

    in the disciple-making work after taking

    care of her household duties. Enza says,

    “Jehovah richly blesses me with good results

    each time I make the effort to share

    the good news with others.” Such blessings

    certainly result in peace, satisfaction,

    and happiness.

    *Names have been changed.


    Christians = only jws (WTS calls the others “professed Christians” or “so-called Christians”)

    Doesn’t John 17:3 include taking in knowledge of Jesus; this is what happens when you apply an OT scripture to Christians, Jesus is left out of the picture.

    Participation in the meetings = not many jws are participating; in my last congregation out of 100 people only 5 regularly commented each Sunday, none brothers. With 6 elders, 2 MS, 5 regular pioneers, 6 elders wives, 19 people, why only these same 5 each week, not a one of that 19.

    Violently opposed? – what does that mean, does he hit or beat her, yell at her, forbid her to go door to door, oh that’s right, she does go door to door but there is no indication that her husband is not aware of it, just that he wants her duties at home done first, no unreasonable.

    5. What challenge do believers in divided

    households often face, and what help is available?

    5 We need to make an earnest effort

    to cultivate a peaceful relationship with

    unbelieving family members. This may

    present a challenge because what they

    want us to do may at times conflict with

    Bible principles. Our holding firmly

    to right principles may upset some unbelieving

    family members, but such a

    stand promotes peace in the long run.

    Of course, being unyielding when something

    does not violate Scriptural principles

    may cause unnecessary friction.

    (Read Proverbs 16:7.) When facing a

    challenge, it is important to seek Scriptural

    counsel from publications of the

    faithful and discreet slave class and

    from the elders.—Prov. 11:14.


    Does making a “peaceful relationship” mean talking about the “truth” non-stop, telling them not only will the jw not celebrate birthdays or holidays, but they tell the non-jw they can’t either, that they won’t engage in certain “sexual activity” (a WTS policy that can and has changed 5 years later), that their children cannot have a blood transfusion, that their children cannot go to college, imposing jw beliefs on the spouse?

    No seeking of scriptural counsel from the BIBLE, but only WTS publications and the elders, WTS representatives?

    The WTS teaches that the non-jw husband is still the “head” of his family. But somehow the first suggestion is to pray, be a better person (as if it is the victim’s fault), to make it “endurable.” So who “allows” it, god or the elders. (underline mine)

    *** w88 11/1 p.22 par.11***

    Extremephysical abuse is another basis for separation. Suppose an unbelieving mate often gets drunk, becomes enraged, and causes the believer physical harm. (Proverbs 23:29-35) Through prayer and by displaying the fruitage of Jehovah’s spirit, the believer may be able to prevent such outbursts and make the situation endurable. But if the point is reached where the health and life of the abused mate actually are in jeopardy, separation would be allowable Scripturally.

    *** w88 11/1 p.26 par.3***

    Naturally, separation or divorce should not be a foregone conclusion, since it may be possible to restore marital peace, and even adultery or other forms of fornication can be forgiven by an innocent marriage partner.—Matthew 5:31, 32; compare Hosea 3:1-3.

    *** w86 7/1 p.6***

    It is a similar situation with a family. If husbands or fathers should misuse their authority, we can be sure that God eventually will right such matters, not allowing any injustices to exist in his righteous new system soon to come. In the meantime, Christian women and children continue to respect the principle of Christian headship, even if it is sometimes abused. They appreciate that it is not meant to belittle but is designed to ensure peace and unity within both the family and the Christian congregation.—1 Corinthians 11:3.

    *** w64 4/15 pp.249-250***

    Real love for the family is shown by being willing to put up with disapproval, or even abuse, so that those unbelieving family members may have the best possible opportunity to learn the truths from God’s Word and come in line for the everlasting blessings that Jehovah God holds out to those who serve him.—1 Pet. 3:1-6.

    6, 7. (a) Why do some oppose family members

    who begin to study with Jehovah’s Witnesses?

    (b) How should a Bible student or a believer

    respond to family opposition?

    6 Cultivating peace in a household

    calls for trust in Jehovah and insight

    into the feelings of unbelieving family

    members. (Prov. 16:20) Even new Bible

    students can show discernment in

    this regard. Some unbelieving husbands

    or wives may not object to having their

    mate study the Bible. They may even acknowledge

    that this could be good for

    the family. Others, however, may manifest

    hostility. Esther, who is now a Witness,

    admits that she reacted in “pure

    anger” when her husband began studying

    the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    “I either threw out his literature

    or burned it,” she says. Howard, who

    at first opposed his wife’s Bible study,

    remarks: “Many husbands are afraid

    that their wives are being tricked into

    joining a religious sect. A husband

    may not know how to react to this supposed

    threat and may become antagonistic.”


    But hasn’t the WTS called unbelieving family members, “corpses,” like it is just like kissing a dead corpse? I know because I was in the audience of the circuit assembly when the CO said that from the stage.

    Did you as a jw encourage your bible student to tell their husband?

    What does it mean to “manifest hostility”?

    Does the average spouse want to see their mate spending 4 to 5 hours weekly at meetings, 2 hours door to door weekly, 2 to 3 hours personal study, going to assemblies/conventions all the time leaving the mate at home alone?

    But jws are “tricking” people into joining a high control group and won’t answer questions until the “right” time for it, even after baptism when it is not possible to back out with religious group punishment?

    7 A student whose mate is opposed

    should be helped to see that he does

    not have to discontinue his Bible study.

    Often he will be able to resolve matters

    by being mild-tempered and showing

    respect for his unbelieving mate. (1 Pet.

    3:15) Howard says, “I am so grateful

    that my wife stayed calm and did not

    overreact!” His wife explains: “Howard

    demanded that I give up studying the

    Bible. He said that I was being brainwashed.

    Instead of arguing, I said that

    he could be right, but I also told him that

    I could not honestly see how. So I asked

    him to read the book I was studying.

    He did so and could not disagree with

    what it said. This deeply affected him.”

    It is good to remember that unbelieving

    spouses may feel abandoned or threatened

    when their mate leaves to participate

    in Christian activities, but loving

    reassurances can go a long way in allaying

    such feelings.


    So is the WTS suggesting that the mate has not been showing respect all along and that is why their spouse is “opposed”? But how many people know that what is in the WTS books is window dressing and many times not what is practiced. But how would you know unless you join and their learn to your hurt and your family’s?

    How would a jw wife feel if their husband spent that amount of time away from the family pursuing a hobby? Or pursued his own religious beliefs and included the children in it?


    8. What counsel did the apostle Paul give to

    Christians who have unbelieving mates?

    8 The apostle Paul advises Christians

    not to leave a marriage partner just because

    that individual is an unbeliever.*

    (Read 1 Corinthians 7:12-16.) Keeping in

    mind the possibility that an unbelieving

    marriage mate may become a Christian

    can help a believer to maintain his or

    her happiness although living in a divided

    household. In trying to reach the unbeliever

    with the message of the truth,

    though, a certain caution is in order, as

    the following experiences bear out.

    *Paul’s counsel does not rule out legal separation

    in extreme situations. That is a serious personal

    decision. See “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love,” pages



    Remember, Christians = only jws

    But jws will and have left a spouse that has been disfellowshipped (not for adultery) or has “disassociated themselves,” “unbeliever” does not mean ex-jw. Doesn’t 1 Peter 3:1,2 apply here too?

    9. When introducing Bible truth to unbelieving

    family members, what caution is in order?

    9 Reflecting on his reaction to learning

    Bible truth, Jason says, “I wanted

    to tell everyone!” When a Bible student

    comes to appreciate the truthfulness of

    what he has been taught from the Scriptures,

    he may be so happy that he talks

    about it almost all the time. He may expect

    unbelieving family members to accept

    the Kingdom message immediately,

    but the good news could be met with

    an adverse response. How did Jason’s

    initial enthusiasm affect his wife? “I felt

    overwhelmed,” she recalls. One woman

    who accepted the truth 18 years after

    her husband did says, “I, for one, needed

    to learn it gradually.” If you are presently

    conducting a Bible study with a student

    whose mate has no desire to take

    part in true worship, why not hold regular

    practice sessions to help the student

    to approach issues tactfully? Moses said:

    “My instruction will drip as the rain, my

    saying will trickle as the dew, as gentle

    rains upon grass.” (Deut. 32:2) A few

    well-placed droplets of truth will often

    do more good than a spiritual downpour



    So does a non-jw spouse have 18 years today in the WTS timelime to learn it gradually?

    Of course, the WTS is assuming that the jw knows how to approach things tactfully.

    10-12. (a) What counsel did the apostle Peter

    give to Christians who have unbelieving mates?

    (b) How did one Bible student learn to apply

    the counsel recorded at 1 Peter 3:1, 2?

    10 The apostle Peter provided inspired

    counsel for Christian wives living in religiously

    divided households. “Be in

    Choose the right time to explain your beliefs

    subjection to your own husbands,” he

    wrote, “in order that, if any are not obedient

    to the word, they may be won

    without a word through the conduct of

    their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses

    of your chaste conduct together

    with deep respect.” (1 Pet. 3:1, 2) A

    wife may be able to win her husband

    over to true worship by being in subjection

    and showing deep respect for him,

    even if he treats her harshly. Likewise, a

    believing husband should conduct himself

    in a godly way and be a loving head

    of the household despite any opposition

    he may encounter from his unbelieving

    wife.—1 Pet. 3:7-9.


    So how far does a woman go in subjection, allow physical and verbal abuse? How many punches does he get before it goes beyond “harshly”?

    11 Many modern-day examples illustrate

    the value of applying Peter’s counsel.

    Consider the case of Selma. When

    she began to study the Bible with Jehovah’s

    Witnesses, her husband, Steve,

    was not pleased. He admits, “I became

    angry, jealous, possessive, and

    insecure.” Selma observes: “Even before

    I got the truth, living with Steve

    was like walking on eggshells. He was

    hot-tempered. When I started studying

    the Bible, this characteristic intensified.”

    What helped?


    So Selma’s husband was a problem before she started studying with jws, not because. “got the truth” where is that phrase in the bible; is that to imply everything outside the WT organization is false and they tell no lies.

    12 Selma recalls a lesson she learned

    from the Witness who studied with her.

    “On one particular day,” says Selma, “I

    didn’t want to have a Bible study. The

    night before, Steve had hit me as I had

    tried to prove a point, and I was feeling

    sad and sorry for myself. After I told

    the sister what had happened and how

    I felt, she asked me to read 1 Corinthians

    13:4-7. As I did, I began to reason,

    ‘Steve never does any of these loving

    things for me.’ But the sister made me

    think differently by asking, ‘How many

    of those acts of love do you show toward

    your husband?’ My answer was,

    ‘None, for he is so difficult to live with.’

    The sister softly said, ‘Selma, who is

    trying to be a Christian here? You or

    Steve?’ Realizing that I needed to adjust

    my thinking, I prayed to Jehovah to help

    me be more loving toward Steve. Slowly,

    things started to change.” After 17 years,

    Steve accepted the truth.


    “The night before, Steve had hit me as I had

    tried to prove a point, and I was feeling

    sad and sorry for myself.”

    So he hit her because she wasn’t loving enough; does that mean she could hit him if he weren’t “loving” enough? And once again do non-jws have 17 years before becoming jws; where is soon, very soon, very soon now, on the threshold?

    So is there a one-hit rule for husbands? What if he had hit his female boss or female secretary at work, or hit a waitress at a restaurant who were all a little too mouthy? So is it wrong to hit those women but acceptable to hit his wife. Remember most men are physically stronger than their wives.


    13, 14. How can others in the congregation

    assist those who live in a religiously divided


    13 Like gentle drops of rain that soak

    the ground and help plants to grow,

    many individuals in the congregation

    contribute to the happiness of Christians

    in divided households. “The love

    of my brothers and sisters was what

    helped me to stand firm in the truth,”

    says Elvina in Brazil.


    The “individuals in the congregation” I attended contributed to my family’s happiness by avoiding us, shunning us, treating us a spiritual leprosy. Once we brought an in-law to a small picnic we had hosted and an elder at it showed us this “advice.” This person was not doing anything spiritually unacceptable (underline mine). My family were considered a danger because someone might have to have contact with my non-jw father although I saw many non-jws invited to this elders parties.

    *** km 6/89 p.2 par.6***

    We have been counseled to be cautious in our dealings with men of the nations, unbelievers, and ordinary persons. (See the November 15, 1988, issue of TheWatchtower, pages 15-16.) Why should we have unnecessary social contact with people who still pursue worldly ways and who have not become worshipers of Jehovah? (2 Cor. 6:14, 15) Some who are negligent spiritually may seek out others who also hold on to worldly thinking and ways instead of seeking association with mature Christians who could help them become strong in the faith. They fail to appreciate that attendance at social gatherings with worldly, unprincipled people can weaken their faith and corrupt them.—Compare 2 Thessalonians 3:14, 15.

    14 Kindness and interest on the part of

    others in the congregation can do much

    Show concern for unbelieving mates

    to affect the heart of an unbelieving family

    member. A husband in Nigeria who

    accepted the truth 13 years after his wife

    did states: “While I was traveling with

    a Witness, his vehicle broke down. He

    sought out fellow Witnesses in a neighboring

    village, and they gave us accommodations

    for the night. They cared

    for us as if we had known them from

    childhood. Right away, I felt the Christian

    love that my wife had always spoken

    about.” In England, a wife who came

    into the truth 18 years after her husband

    did recalls: “The Witnesses invited both

    of us for meals. I always felt welcome.”*

    Says a husband in the same land who

    eventually became a Witness: “Brothers

    and sisters would visit us, or we were invited

    to their homes, and I found that

    they had a caring attitude. This was especially

    noticeable when I was in the

    hospital and many came to visit me.”

    Can you find ways to show similar interest

    in unbelieving family members?

    *Eating with unbelievers is not forbidden in the

    Scriptures.—1 Cor. 10:27.

    Just don’t invite them to a picnic or to your home (see quote above) How was it that he a non-jw was invited along with his wife? Weren’t they afraid of being “corrupted”?


    Who could he have called in his own congregation? How many calls would he have to make before finding someone? We visited a congregation in the Midwest on a trip, no one talked to us….you could see that despite our appropriate dress and having the proper books, we were viewed suspiciously. The next year we visited again and were ignored again. Finally the third year, a meek little sister came up to us and we had a nice conversation but not a single elder. I found out later that that congregation was well-known for that behavior and that 3 of the elders were ex-bethelites and regular speakers at the conventions.

    As to hospital visits, I live in a city with 4 major hospitals and 4 minor ones on the outskirts. Who visits, well they have some assigned to making visits, remember they get to count their time. This is doled out to retired elders who are pioneers and female pioneers (to call on women only). I remember one elder refusing to visit a fellow elder in the hospital because he didn’t like hospitals. And this was his friend. Fortunately, someone else put their love in action.

    How many find time to visit the spiritually ill in the congregation; people who are already baptized?

    15, 16. What can help a believer to maintain

    happiness when others in the family remain


    15 Of course, not all unbelieving

    spouses, children, parents, or other relatives

    embrace true worship, even after

    years of faithful conduct and tactful witnessing

    on the part of the believer. Some

    remain indifferent or become unrelenting

    opposers. (Matt. 10:35-37) When

    Christians display godly traits, however,

    this can have a very good effect. A former

    unbelieving husband states: “When

    the believing mate starts to let those

    lovely qualities shine, you do not know

    what is going on in the unbeliever’s

    mind and heart. So don’t ever give up on

    your unbelieving mate.”


    Yes, all non-jws are participating in false worship, controlled by the devil; but not jws. What about jws, including elders, that are indifferent to what the bible says; putting what the WTS says ahead of it?

    So the believing mate was not showing those lovely qualities before; how did they ever qualify for baptism then? How did the elders and the holy spirit miss seeing that?

    16 Even if a family member remains

    an unbeliever, happiness is possible for

    the believer. Although her husband has

    not responded to the Kingdom message

    after 21 years of effort on her part,

    one sister says: “I am able to maintain

    my joy by striving to please Jehovah, by

    maintaining my loyalty to him, and by

    working to strengthen my spirituality.

    Immersing myself in spiritual activities

    —personal study, meeting attendance,

    the field ministry, and helping others in

    the congregation—has drawn me closer

    to Jehovah and has safeguarded my

    heart.”—Prov. 4:23.


    So it is difficult to be married to a non-jw that is loving, helpful, carrying, supportive, not hitting you but it is better to be married to a jw who goes through the motions, but is a screamer, views the spouse as less valuable, can’t hold a job, etc.?

    Spiritual activities = personal study = bible study or WTS publications?


    17, 18. How can a Christian remain hopeful

    even in a religiously divided household?

    17 If you are a faithful Christian living

    in a religiously divided household,

    do not give up. Remember that “Jehovah

    will not desert his people for the sake

    of his great name.” (1 Sam. 12:22) He

    is with you as long as you cling to him.

    (Read 2 Chronicles 15:2.) So “take exquisite

    delight in Jehovah.” Indeed, “roll

    upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon

    him.” (Ps. 37:4, 5) “Persevere in prayer,”

    and have faith that our loving heavenly

    Father can help you to endure hardships

    of all kinds.—Rom. 12:12.


    Faithful Christian = only jws

    His people = this is talking about Israelites and at best spiritual Israelites (only 11,000+ of over 7 million jws)

    Does Jesus ever help us?

    (Hebrews 2:17,18)17 Consequently he was obliged to become like his “brothers” in all respects, that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, in order to offer propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of the people. 18 For in that he himself has suffered when being put to the test, he is able to come to the aid of those who are being put to the test.

    18 Petition Jehovah for his holy spirit

    to help you promote peace in the home.

    (Heb. 12:14) Yes, it is possible to foster

    peaceful conditions that may eventually

    touch the heart of unbelieving family

    members. You will experience happiness

    and peace of heart and mind as you

    “do all things for God’s glory.” (1 Cor.

    10:31) In these endeavors, how heartening

    it is to know that you have the loving

    support of your brothers and sisters in

    the Christian congregation!


    In my house my parents fought almost every day. My mother knew it would make things worse but…….. It was hard as a child to try and convince my father we “had the truth” when it wasn’t being applied at home.

    And we definitely did not have the “loving support” of the people at the KH….but were viewed with suspicion as were 6 other families “divided” religiously in my congregation. Imagine finding out that a witness couple had over a sister and her non-jw, unbelieving husband for dinner, and after 10 years in that congregation, you had never seen the inside of their home.


    Next week, HELP PEOPLE TO AWAKE FROM SLEEP. Ironic, as jws sleep on not knowing and not wanting to know the past and the present of the WTS who would rather believe a lie than loosen their grasp on “eternal life on a paradise earth surrounded by resurrected family.” And who also wish for the end to come, which would mean the eternal death of over 7 billion non-jws, men, women, children, babies, even babies still in the womb, all without any hope of a resurrection per the WTS.

    Love, Blondie

  • Sapphy

    Thanks Blondie, I have to shake my head at the society's outdated, and frankly insulting, position on domestic abuse.

  • TOTH

    "So how far does a woman go in subjection, allow physical and verbal abuse? How many punches does he get before it goes beyond "harshly"?"

    I say that the first sign of those is the cue to get outta Dodge.

    THANKS Blondie!

  • carla

    oh crap! just what every ubm needs! another damn article about a 'divided' home

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I think the WT writer must have taken that story from one of the older publications. In the 50's I remember hearing an experience like that at one of our circuit assemblies, and I thought it was just wonderful that the husband FINALLY came into the truth due to the long-suffering of his wife. It seems like society in general back then didn't take spousal abuse as seriouslly as we do now. I think many women didn't have as many options as they do today. It wouldn't have been as easy to leave an abusive husband as it is now. Today there are support groups for victims of domestic violence. Also women today tend to be better educated and can function on their own without have to remain in an abusive situation.

    My own daughter was a victim of spousal abuse and ended up divorcing her JW husband. This was about 11 years ago. She showed the elders her bruises, and they actually supported her in her decision to leave her husband.

  • jgnat

    Appreciate your comments as always, Blondie.

    It is astonishing that Witness consider their anemic attempts at hospitality to be a draw for the discerning "unbeliever". A phrase I find deeply insulting. I believe plenty! Another hated phrase is "take the truth", which I have heard more often lately. I point out that no-one owns the truth; it stands on its own.

    "I remember one elder refusing to visit a fellow elder in the hospital because he didn’t like hospitals. And this was his friend. Fortunately, someone else put their love in action." - I have also noted the neglect of the elderly and the sick. I make a point of my husband and myself showing up at the hospital when I hear that a Witness is in the hospital. They have all been mighty pleased to get a visitor.

  • bobld

    Thanks Blondie!

    I am sorry to hear you had such a rough time in this so called religion.

    I appreciation how you use their publication to show how shallow this corp. is.They sure have a short memory.

    Also how you point out"christians=jw" how ironic da judge wanted to differentiate ibs from jw and now they want to be asscoiated with or be the same as christians.

  • harleybear

    The WTBS has for years looked the other way on domestic violence as it would be a black eye on their church. Domestic violence is sooooooo rampant in the church and yet it continues to be swept under the rug. As long as the church controls the situation and encourages victims to shut up it will continue to be a " dirty little secret" If you all knew how many individuals within the church are abused and subsuquently dismissed it would make you sick. I work as a volenteer in a safe house and the number of persons associated with JW as victims would blow you away. The elders are copible for such wrong doing. It will take a major legal position and I do mean major to get the word out. If anyone is interested in starting a support group..... total annoymous lets chat. Harleybear...not getting beat anymore

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The negative tone is set from the start...

    An especially painful form of opposition is experienced when family members reject the Kingdom message.

    If a new recruit starts trying to shove WT's message down their family's throat and the family rejects the message, they translate that as "opposition" by the family? Wow, what a cult mentality of "everyone else is the enemy."

    It sounds like they're trying to dial up the pressure for dubs to recruit family members through love-bombing. Obviously, preaching isn't having much success. Perhaps they're also trying to draw a line in divided households to try not to lose the believers to their non-JW or ex-JW family.

  • WTWizard

    First, why do they have to obsess so much with getting family members into the cancer that such harsh treatment is meted? While I do not condone a husband hitting his wife under any circumstances except self defense (or to defend an innocent person), I also do not condone religion that forces women to work that hard to recruit the family. This invites persecution, especially when the husband sees that it is a scam and the wife is under this kind of pressure to make the whole family become witlesses. Someone is going to snap, and it is the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger's fault.

    I notice this pattern through the whole of Christi-SCAM-ity, just not as blatant through the whole membership. Missionaries ordered to plant churches no matter what it takes (raping and kidnapping children included), other fundamentalist Christians pressing their beliefs on everyone, and people fighting against women's rights and gay rights are all examples. The missionaries plant churches by using the same rubbish the witlesses use, and then wonder why Muslims blow up their churches. It is the leaders' fault.

    I wonder why the left-hand path lacks this kind of widespread pressure to recruit at all costs, if Satan is supposed to be so "evil". If anything, I would expect Satanism and Wicca based religions to be even more aggressive, even using death or bad-luck threats for not joining. Yet, they don't need to resort to that rubbish. Those religions are actually growing faster by percent than the witlesses, and I never saw any Satan's Witness going door to door trying to recruit or hounding friends and family to join.

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