Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-29-2012 WT Study (DIVIDED)

by blondie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    I remember back in 1960 when my mother wanted to become active as a JW (she had left the Watchtower under Rutherford in 1928, her parents and one brother stayed in) my father was furious and I thought they would divorce.

  • BluesBrother

    We did not attend the study today.. I would have found it amusing if we had...

    First note was the instruction to read Mathew 10 : 36 in para 1. "A mans enemies will be persons of his own household".....enemies???? That is a good start . It is good to note that I am seen by them as a potential enemy of my wife.

    The instruction to meet opposition with kindness is right, of course, but they still have a persecution complex.

    Para 6/7 "Many husbands are afraid that their wives are being tricked into joining a religious sect"......I wonder why that is? The "experience" of the husband who read the study book and could not disagree with it......Hmmm Had he let his broadband contract lapse or was he jus too lazy to double-check what it said?

    Re the abuse paragraph, I feel that we should not ignore the fact that they do suggest separation from a violent spouse if it is necessary, but leave it to a personal decision.

    P14. suggests love-bombing a disinterested mate to draw them in . I could not help but think of 1 Cor 13:5 "Love...does not look for its own interests"...They may think that they have met wonderful people , until after baptism and the interest in them wanes. Actually, real conversion to a religion or any philosophy should be the arguments presented in its favour, not the simple desire for fellowship with those practising it.

    I did read this bit out to Sis Blues, lightheartedly. "When the believing mate starts to let these lovely qualities shine you do not know what is going on in the unbelievers heart and mind" ....She lightheartedly snorted in derision ! ...I guess after more than three decades of marriage a bit of banter shows we are still ok.....

  • jgnat

    BB - "a bit of banter shows we are still ok..."

    I heartily agree. The WT "method" patently won't work on someone like me, which hubby privately admits. On my part, we have gotten on much better when I sincerely and thorougly tell him that I have no intention of separating him from his religion. He is free to follow and believe as he wants. That has done more to calm the cultic element than anything else I have said.



    Did you check the 'definitions' in the Simplified Watchtower?

    The spiritual mast******** of the GB has reached new heights! Once again the retarded old morons have confused their pen with their willy.

  • blondie

    NOLAW, one WT article is all I can handle. The WTS has two dictionaries, religious and legal. Legal outvotes religious though but is only for non-jws. I don't the GB write much any more; they delegate to some person in the writing department, then on Wednesdays they "pray" over it...I had one GB member tell me he didn't see the latest WT until it showed up on his desk in his Bethel room, when the other Bethelites got it. Perhaps he prayed over the publication without reading it.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Par 5 last sentence: "When facing a challenge, it is important to seek Scriptural counsel from publications of the faithful and discreet slave class and from the elders."

    Help from WT literature and the elders over professional help, ya right!

    Par 16 last sentence: " Immersing (burying) myself in spiritual activities —personal study, meeting attendance, the field ministry, and helping others in the congregation—has drawn me closer to Jehovah and has safeguarded my heart."

    Jah must be against other forms of volunteer work like helping the homeless and others in need!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    you know it's like looking behind what was once the iron curtain. People over there who were in their 70's were still living in the late 40's. Although they were very cut off from the rest of the world, the younger ones still managed to import some american music. The rest of Europe had moved forward so people in the same age group had full knowledge and use of modern appliances and other conveniences.

    You can see where I'm going on this. You not only have people who's conservative views seem behind the times, you have people that have not progressed mentally as they have insulated themselves from the outside world. They are literally living in thier minds like it's the 50's. Conversations from the attorney's must just baffle them, and it must be really frustrating to alert them to any new issues. Imagine explaining a DVD issue to someone who only had radio.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    JWGB, I went back and looked closer at par 16...

    16 Even if a family member remains an unbeliever, happiness is possible for the believer. Although her husband has not responded to the Kingdom message after 21 years of effort on her part, one sister says: “I am able to maintain my joy by striving to please Jehovah, by maintaining my loyalty to him, and by working to strengthen my spirituality. Immersing myself in spiritual activities—personal study, meeting attendance, the field ministry, and helping others in the congregation—has drawn me closer to Jehovah and has safeguarded my heart.”—Prov. 4:23.

    Sounds like this "sister" has "maintained her joy" by turning her back on her husband and family.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    That subtle thing they did about mentioning the sister completing her household duties first...I have a feeling the GB really liked that scenario..."remember, you inferior women, what your place is. If you aren't in the ministry, do housework. They aren't "chores", they're "duties".

    Not that there's anything wrong with someone getting their chores done before doing other things...I'm just saying. I don't like the way they mentioned it.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Billy you're right. She very much sounds like one religious fanatic to me! And scarry to say-the JWs are filled them.

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