Better hope there is a God!

by Nambo 13 Replies latest social current

  • Nambo

    And he comes pretty soon, else we are up a certain creek

    As I cannot copy and paste, you will have to Google, Fukushima hanging by a thread, then click on the link from

    Great picture of 460 tons of nucleur fuel atop a building that you darent even lean against.

  • Knowsnothing

    Well.... sucks for us.

  • Finkelstein

    Oh Nambo, the information your reading this from is from a survivalist web site , with a bunch of survivalist products to buy. $$$

    When you read sensationalized bullshit like this ....

    If an earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain, this could result in a catastrophic radiological fire that could wipe out most of the northern hemisphere; certainly it would be a massive civilization-breaking event.

    You should assume that it was written to incite fear causes people to buy survivalists products .......Get it ?

  • moshe

    I was afraid of problems from that spent fuel-- I was on the Enrico Fermi Nuclear plant refuel floor a couple weeks ago. I was able to gaze at the fuel rods in the fuel pool and in the reactor- It only takes 24 hours for the water to start boiling away from a loss of cooling water-

    "Consolo says, "If this pool collapses, as Senator Wyden is now saying too, we would face a mass extinction event from the release of radiation in those rods. This may be the most important thing you ever pay attention to for the sake of your family, friends, your neighbors, every one you know and meet, all of humanity."

    Do you have any relatives in South America or Australia?

  • moshe

    Not to worry- Jehovah has it all under control.

  • Nambo

    Well if thats the case Finkelstein, how come the newspaper from the visiting Senators own County reported on his trip and confirms a lot of what the "survivalist website" is saying?

    I managed to copy and paste those two, but a third I wanted to show you wont take, its by ENENews Energy News, and I dont see any adverts whatsoever on that site.

    The thing is, the mainstraem media isnt touching this stuff, only independant sites like Jeff Rense who have to make a living, the fact that a lot of companies that sell survivalk stuff advertise on these sites, does that prove they are a pack of lies?, or maybe its the only way they can afford to provide the service they do? Whilst the likes of the Daily Mail will tell you what footballers shagging who, is that more trustworthy and relevant news because they are not selling survival stuff?

    A lot of this stuff can be verified elsewhere by not such dodgy looking websites, for instance you can do a google search on Fukushima using MOX fuel and then another search like on Wikapedia wher you find mox fuel is indeed 2 million times worst than the Uranium fuel of Chernobyl

  • moshe

    Jetstream radiation track from the Fukishima blowup last year--

  • Finkelstein

    Wyden is an ignorant alarmist who is exploiting the Fukushima accident for political gain. Below is a link to an authoritative refence on the radioactive decay of nuclear wastes over time.

    Unfortunately, these well refenced charts do not document the massive reduction of radioactivity that occurs during the first year after a reactor is shut down. The general rule of thumb is that the radioactivity decreases by ninety percent for every seven fold increase in time since shut down. There are of course adjustments for how long a reactor has been operating and accumulating longer lived fission products.

    The bottom line is that while the spent fuel pool for Unit#4 contains a batch of spent fuel rods that had only recently been removed from the reactor before the earthquake, after a years time the spent fuel rods in the unit #4 pool are not significantly more radioactive than the spent fuel inventory in the other pools.

    The bloviating about the alleged dangers of Plutonium is rediculous. To many ignorant people, including Senator Wyden, presume the Plutonium is exceptionally dangerous because it has an extremely long half-life of 24,000 years. Actually, there are several isotopes of Plutonium in nuclear wastes with half-lives ranging from a few seconds to 24,000 years. More importantly, the radioactivity of any isotope is inversely proportional to it's half-life. The longer the half-life, the less radioactive it is. Most of the radioactivity of Plutonium is caused by the Pu-238 isotope with a half-life of 87 years. However; the total radioactivity of Plutonium is trivial compared to that of the fission products whose half-lives typically range from a few minutes to a few years.

    The big news about Fukushima is that the worst danger is over. The reactors have been successfully shut down in spite of failures of control rods to fully insert. The radioactivity of the reactor cores has decayed to the point that natural circulation can keep the cores cool without any need for pumps. The radioactivity of the reactor cores has decayed to the point that you could flush all of the reactor cores as well as the spent fuel pools into the ovean without significantly increasing the radioactivity naturally

    The point being you have scrutinize where the information is coming from, from retailers trying to sell survivalist products or a politician who's out

    for his own political gains.

  • jgnat

    Nambo, you might appreciate this little interactive scenario.

    Even if ALL the nuclear reactors were to go at once, the radiation fallout, long term, would only kill about five kilometers out from each facility. (Check out day 7 and day 300)

    There would be more radiation around the world overall, but it would be survivable.

  • jgnat

    Nuclear radiation explained


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