I work in the nuclear industry- inside operating plants ( two so far this year)- the plutonium naysayers had better never suffer a personal contamination event from even one teensy particle of plutonium. I hope you have lung cancer insurance. Eating/drinking anything that is contaminated by even low level fallout of certain isotopes could invite an early death from cancer. Would you move to a state that has cesium 137 contaminated food/milk, if it was above the safe FDA levels?
05/02/2011 06:22 3.45 0.52±0.05- highest level of Bq/L Cesium 137 measured in organic milk from Bay area of California after Fukushima plant explosion
The radiation has gone up almost 3x higher in a year.- that organic milk you bought a few weeks ago at Trader Joes in San Franciso could now be almost 2x above the FDA limit where you need to take "precautions"= don't drink it, to be safe.