If the Watch Tower Society discontinued shunning.... new survey!!

by cedars 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    I'm pleased to announce that Juan Viejo2 has launched a new mini-survey on jwsurvey.org. The survey tackles the premise that the Society might one day abandon shunning (at least between family members) and asks: what effect might this have on us?

    The survey is primarily targeted at DF'd/DA'd and active JWs, although there is one question applicable to all, which asks simply whether you agree with the practice of shunning.

    There are only a handful of questions, so if you feel inclined, please do visit and take the survey on the link below:


    We've been getting a lot of traffic through from facebook, so if you like the survey please do spread the word on there. You never know, it may encourage more people to find out about our 2012 annual survey for which we need as many votes as possible.

    Of course, if you have any thoughts on the likelihood of the Society abandoning shunning this way, please do share!

    Many thanks,


  • diamondiiz

    Not gonna happen, their only weapon to keep people under their thumb.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I do have to be thankful for the shunning policy, as the threat of it was partly, (if not largely) responsible for my never becoming a member.

    I used this policy as a warning for my kids when they were considering baptism, but they knew better than me.

  • Fernando

    Hey Cedars!

    As you know I am a firm believer in surveys, and the tremendous power that they can exert when published.

    I can't say that I know exactly what sort of outcome may eventuate.

    Broadly speaking I believe shunning is a tool the Sanhedrin finds necessary to prop up their illegitimate hegemony - to keep their sheep under their draconian rules, authority and power.

    I'd be glad to see it go, as I'm sure many others would. In all likelihood many will leave if free to do so. On the flipside those that remain may find it more difficult to see just how evil, blind, confused, insane and dangerous the Watchtower is.

    There does seem to be some value in the escalating siege mentality of the Sanhedrin as they are acting more and more crazy, and exposing themselves to more and more shocked sheep.

    May you, yours and the surveys go from strength to strength.

    BTW I wonder if the Watchtower council of Popes has ever heard of a fellow by the name of Martin Luther and how he obstinately and single handedly almost totally destroyed religion's stranglehold on society, science, progress, liberty, fraternity and equality? This time round though there are many more of his type. What will happen in the next few years in the leadup to the 500th anniversary of 1517?

  • Fernando

    Just finished the easy, simple and quick survey.

    Thank you and those working with you for this labour of love.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    @cedars do you think there is a sin that you would shun a person for? Child Molesters and Rapist are a different entity than someone who was "shunned" for adultry, fornication or homosexual behaviour.

    Some of the more progressive individuals are not attacking these sinners (We are all sinners!) but are learning to address the conduct without treating all sinners the same way. If Jesus Christ was to shun all the sinners, who would be left on earth untouched? The Governing Body, the Jezebel Class? Piousneers?

    I voted "I partially agree" but only with very bad people, I don't agree lives should be broken up by men who sin themselves.

  • cedars

    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    @cedars do you think there is a sin that you would shun a person for?

    In my opinion, religion should never come between family members for ANY reason, period. That should answer your question! If you're disinclined to strike up or continue a friendship with someone because of how they behave, this should be a personal decision for each and every one to make. There may even be religious grounds for expelling somebody from a congregation who purports to believe in a faith but whose conduct manifestly contradicts this faith. However, love between family members should be unconditional. Even if relationships become strained by family members getting involved in questionable or downright illegal conduct, contact should always be maintained and forgiveness extended wherever possible. Family is the bedrock of one's mental and emotional wellbeing, and to deprive someone of that is immoral. That just about sums up my perspective.


    Broadly speaking I believe shunning is a tool the Sanhedrin finds necessary to prop up their illegitimate hegemony - to keep their sheep under their draconian rules, authority and power.

    I agree, and it is for this reason that I personally don't think the Society will drop shunning, unless there is a 'polar shift' that forces them to do so (i.e. public outcry, legal intervention). Shunning is a control mechanism to keep families/congregations uncontaminated by those who discover the real truth, and it therefore serves a very useful purpose for the Society. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"


  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" Cedars they opened up Pandora's Box with their new Blood policy, was this the gaff that will open up new doors, or will they retract what they wrote (New Light), Marvin Shilmmer has not received any information for why they changed their policy on "blood fractions".

    With a legalistic community, one of the joys of super righteous individuals is the power of being preceived as holy, not loving or caring! Can you imagine if the Society changed it's view on Shunning and Blood, we would have another Romania event, on a far greater scale!

    Jehovah's Witnesses are quick to congradulate a householder for thinking outside their Church, question the Chuches teachings, yet we condemmed brothers and sisters who did the same thing to the Watchtower Society, they are beyond questioning and have provided all we need. WE Are considered Faithless for not blindly accepting everything the Organization has written!

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" Cedars they opened up Pandora's Box with their new Blood policy, was this the gaff that will open up new doors, or will they retract what they wrote (New Light), Marvin Shilmmer has not received any information for why they changed their policy on "blood fractions".

    With a legalistic community, one of the joys of super righteous individuals is the power of being preceived as holy, not loving or caring! Can you imagine if the Society changed it's view on Shunning and Blood, we would have another Romania event, on a far greater scale!

    Jehovah's Witnesses are quick to congradulate a householder for thinking outside their Church, question the Chuches teachings, yet we condemmed brothers and sisters who did the same thing to the Watchtower Society, they are beyond questioning and have provided all we need. WE Are considered Faithless for not blindly accepting everything the Organization has written!

  • cantleave


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