If the Watch Tower Society discontinued shunning.... new survey!!

by cedars 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • diamondiiz

    What I can see wts do is equate faders with DA people, through passing a policy for elders to persuade faders to return and become active otherwise through not preaching the faders no longer view themselves as "witnesses" of Jehovah. After all, they've stated in the past that witness is someone who preaches and successful faders obviously don't thus they can reason they should be treated same as DA. I see wts becoming more cultish than loosing their hold on the people.

    Only way I see them loosening their grip on r&f is if they want to sell more khs after more people stop attending meetings.

  • 00DAD

    Done. But I don't see it happening as it is part and parcel of their manipulative control-freakery.

    Do you know the story of the scorpion and the frog?

    Shunners gotta' shun. It's who they are, it's what they do.

  • JWOP

    They hafta shun... if they don't, then us filthy, mentally diseased apostates would get a firm foothold on the Good Members and lead them down the path to everlasting destruction, dontcha know....

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