Splitting hairs, don't you think?
Yes, but lets keep this JWesque illustration ball rolling!
If someone says that my brakes are sh!t and there's too much cr@p on the windows to see out. What should I do? Hop in the car and race away in a tearful rage saying that I'd been bullied, and that he should have talked with a more nicelier tone to me about my car? Would I melodramatically tell everyone that I'd been told that my entire vehicle was pronounced bullsh!t?
I don't take offense that easily. I'd take a closer look at the actual situation. And if my brakes were 2000 years past their useful life and the windows were a mess, I'd be prepared to thank whoever pointed it out.
My cat, however, has another opinion...
R.I.P. Toonces
I warned you about the brakes...
Now I'm off-topic, huh?