Sheesh, I just apologized to BTS and James for hurting their feelings and not knowing when to "just give this crap a rest". I'm a pansy ass compared to fighters like ZJ. I initially got to know some bullying and domestic abuse victims a year ago and started getting involved with such issues (and rather superficially, I must admit). It's been here at university that I've started to get to know a few from the LGBT community. It's all been very enlightening.
Actually, in my case it did not hurt my pissed me off. I am also very much against gay bashing and of course concerned about possible gay kid suicide. I strongly suspected that it was said in the heat of the moment.
But here is the deal: It is like OWS in a way- it is one thing to protest your cause peacefully, quite another to blow up a bridge.
If I were trying to talk to a sliding but still somewhat believing JW to help them out of the borg, I would certainly NOT say the bible is bullshit. Even if I thought some of it was.