Dan Savage talks about the bible and Christian students flee
by Terry 319 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yah, and that's called 'backtracking' ,,,,,,,,,,,,, LIAR
Tal has said she's leaving the thread...several times.
The face of BTS:
I admitted to a factual error. That isn't a lie, Billy.
I'll reiterate my original point:
Savage's comments to high school students was out of line and inappropriate. It is also ironic coming from someone who is an anti-bullying champion.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Come now BTS, when I put a question mark on the end. And you're saying that I made "the same mistake"?
Do you understand punctuation and satire?
Do you understand punctuation and satire?
If properly used. I've been subjected to a barrage of personal insults on this thread, so please excuse me if I misinterpreted your comments as not intended as a humorous jest.
BTS, did he say that the students were bullsh!t?
No, he said "pansy asses."