Dan Savage talks about the bible and Christian students flee

by Terry 319 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • botchtowersociety
    If Muslems were to come to a conference in Seattle, yes, he would deliver a similar tirade.

    And you know that for a fact?

    Dan Savage has close ties to Obama. Imagine the outrage on the left if a Republican president fundraised for someone who made similar comments about Muslims.

  • botchtowersociety
    it does not justify humans taking "the law" into their own hands, so to speak, and punishing other humans(making outcasts, bullying, abusing, killing)

    While the discussion/dialoge continues, I'll let "god" be the judge, and until it's clear, I'm working on treating my fellow man like I want to be treated.

  • NewChapter

    Would it have been less offensive if the guy said it was bullcrap? How about immoral? How about unforgivable? Worthless? Garbage? Is it really the word we are objecting to or the idea behind the word? Are we not allowed to attack ideas? They walked out long before they were called pansy asses. And why did they walk out? Because they are not even OPEN to the discussion that the bible's encouragement of persecuting homosexuals is wrong. His point was valid. Stand up to the bully, and the bully runs.

    Eating shellfish is an abomination!

    We have a huge problem and it's not going to be overcome with delicate speech. Fundamentalists do not hold back, not even a little. This is about standing up to and calling out the bullies who hide behind an ancient piece of literature that is full of trash and much of which has been rejected by a more enlightened society. The language is not what offended. Attacking the ideas is what offended, and fundamentalists typically become quite hostile when their ideas are attacked. We've seen it over and over. We will hear that not all Christians are that way---true. But those Christians are not the ones out bullying people. They are not the ones trying to gain political power and legislate their hate. So we are speaking about specific types here.

    It's so typical of those that have held the power to abuse to call foul when their vicitims stand up and roar. How dare they! Who do they think they are? Have you ever seen such arrogance? There's no need to be RUDE!


  • cantleave

    Spot on New Chapter!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "That's a good point and I would say the ones who invited him excercised poor judgement."

    These were journalism students. Journalism hinges on controversy. 'Poor judgement' leads to big stories and big money. Fox News is lapping this story up like crazy. Savage is getting his face and his message out there. It doesn't hurt his reputation one bit.

    Don't know if I should mention this about Fox, but they play both sides of the aisle. Fox Broadcasting makes a fortune off of Glee, and other "liberal" shows portraying all manner of "loose morals", while Fox News makes a fortune off of "conservative values". The kids at the conference are just cashing in on 'journalism'. If they really had issues with Savage, they wouldn't have attended. Instead, this gave them an opportunity to dramatically walk out of the conference and appear before Fox News cameras so say that they felt bullied and made teen girls cry. ... Yeah, girls that are gonna cry all the way to the bank when they sell their interviews.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Dan Savage has close ties to Obama. Imagine the outrage on the left if a Republican president fundraised for someone who made similar comments about Muslims.

    Now you're just copy-pasting from some conservative blog, right? I mean, Obama? Was he there?

  • cantleave

    Obama has now turned into the Straw Man. BTS you do come up with BS yourself.

  • NewChapter

    LOL, what does Obama have to do with any of this? He's like magic to the conservatives! Something you don't like? Oh, it's Obama's fault. We could only wish to have a president as powerful as the right thinks Obama is.

    Too Funny.


  • botchtowersociety

    This isn't the first time Savage has gone unhinged and had to walk back prior hateful comments. He's done it so many times that I think that is what he really is. All he cares about is his homosexuality and how it is treated. He doesn't care much about others and how they are treated. He doesn't extend the respect and dignity he believe he deserves. He wants respect and to be treated with dignity but gives little to others. The transgendered community has glitter bombed him several times over the past few months, and calls him a transphobe. Dan Savage hates on Christians as well, as his recent comments attest. He wishes Republicans would all f***ing die. He calls heterosexuals breeders. He calls transgendered people shemales. He is a nearly 50 yo man who bullies teens who happen to be Christian. Dan Savage is a hateful person. There, I said it. He is a gay version of Rick Santorum. Both are haters. They are mirror images. When I call out Santorum, many of you agree and pile on, as has happened here on threads. But when it is Savage, the response changes. There are double standards when it comes to hate. I don't play that game. I call out the hate.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    If Muslems were to come to a conference in Seattle, yes, he would deliver a similar tirade.

    And you know that for a fact?

    BTS. You really don't know what or who you're talking about, do you? If you can handle the course language, read Savage's own words here . You can easily find other places where he'll similarly say:

    There’s no shortage of backwards, fu@ked up, unpleasant sh!tholes where Sharia is practiced. If someone longs to live under Sharia, why the fu@k would that someone emigrate to Europe or remain in Europe? Why not emigrate to, say, Pakistan or Iran or Saudi Arabia or Sudan or Nigeria or a whole host of islands in Indonesia? If you long to attend public amputations and beheadings, if you think the victims of rape should be imprisoned and whipped, what the fu@k are you doing in Britain? Or the Netherlands? Or Belgium? Or France? Or Germany? Wanna live under Sharia? Well, get thee to a Sharia-enforcing sh!thole already.

    Yes BTS, I'm very confident that Savage would deliver a similar tirade against Muslems... unless you can prove otherwise?


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