If Muslems were to come to a conference in Seattle, yes, he would deliver a similar tirade.
And you know that for a fact?
BTS. You really don't know what or who you're talking about, do you? If you can handle the course language, read Savage's own words here . You can easily find other places where he'll similarly say:
There’s no shortage of backwards, fu@ked up, unpleasant sh!tholes where Sharia is practiced. If someone longs to live under Sharia, why the fu@k would that someone emigrate to Europe or remain in Europe? Why not emigrate to, say, Pakistan or Iran or Saudi Arabia or Sudan or Nigeria or a whole host of islands in Indonesia? If you long to attend public amputations and beheadings, if you think the victims of rape should be imprisoned and whipped, what the fu@k are you doing in Britain? Or the Netherlands? Or Belgium? Or France? Or Germany? Wanna live under Sharia? Well, get thee to a Sharia-enforcing sh!thole already.
Yes BTS, I'm very confident that Savage would deliver a similar tirade against Muslems... unless you can prove otherwise?