What did your personal big AHA moments look like when you saw through a LIE or suddenly understood a TRUTH?

by Fernando 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fernando

    "What is an aha moment? It's a moment of clarity, a defining moment where you gain real wisdom - wisdom you can use to change your life."

    (from a financial services company - http://www.ahamoment.com/what-is)

    Maybe we could describe our AHA moments like this:

    TAMs: My Truth AHA Moments

    LAMs: My Lie AHA Moments

    Please share your AHA moments and insights (truth, lie or anything else)!

  • moshe

    No birther has ever been arrested for lying, slander, libel, presenting false evidence to the courts,etc, hmm

    Martha Stewart tells one teensy fib to the SEC investigator and she goes straight to prison--

  • designs

    1964 The Electoral College wtf! No Congress since has been able to replace it.

  • Fernando

    Some of my personal biggest AHA moments:

    TAMs (truth): Forgiveness according to the "good news" in scripture is not earned, deserved or paid for, but a free gift which applies not to single incidents alone but to all past, present and future sin (dysfunction) and sins (deeds).

    LAMs (lies): The Pharisees disbelief in IMPUTED righteousness being available to the "laity class". The Pharisees all consuming contempt for salvation as an ingredient of the "good news". The Pharisees’ ignorance, blindness, confusion, nakedness, insanity, illegitimacy and irrelevance.

  • Perry

    It took every ounce of strength I had to become a witness as an adult after I didn't die at age 12 in 1975. The aha moment came in the november issue of the 1995 watchtower when the 1914 generation doctrine was jettisoned.

    Twice was enough for me .... permanently

  • botchtowersociety

    Evolution was my "aha" moment. I'd long disagreed with the WT on their creationist beliefs. One day I found myself telling my younger BIL to take the Creation book with a grain of salt.

    That's when a lightbulb went on.

    If the Watchtower could be wrong about that, what else could they be wrong about?

    Turns out the event not only started me on my own path out, but my BIL's as well.

  • doofdaddy

    I was the same as Perry. 1995 WT on the generation. I asked the elders about the change...Their answer? What change?! I was told that that my explanation of a literal generation was "apostate thinking." When they left my house, I did a 2hr search of the WT CD on generation. There it was in black and white, the slow change of the belief through the late eighties early nineties (Actually silence, no articles.)

    AHA moment and I never put a foot in a KH since.

  • JWOP

    My "Aha" moment came when I realized that the Watchtower/U.N. thing was fer real.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I can't think of a single aha moment that opened my eyes. It's been a transition and the aha moments still occur

  • Phizzy

    I was born in to the WT. I never accepted all the really wacky stuff, 1920's conventions fulfilling prophecy etc, what a joke.

    But I stupidly believed that as God's name was on the Org. He had some hand in it.

    Then I one day read Daniel Chapter 4, without pre-conceived ideas as to its meaning, and realised that the 2520 days/years thing was simply badly contrived nonsense with NO support from the Bible in any way.

    1914 as the WT presents it was false.

    The whole house of cards that is WT theology fell down.

    AHA ! Indeed !

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