What did your personal big AHA moments look like when you saw through a LIE or suddenly understood a TRUTH?

by Fernando 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • QueenWitch

    many aha moments

    -one does not need a man who may or may not be real to connect to the Divine

    -how a loving God can dictate that families divide

    -how the JW doctrine has changed so many times but yet this is God's true organization

    -I'm in the middle of reading CoC and I'm so hurt and angry and sad.

    -I don't have many friends at all but the one true friend I had in high school is STILL my friend today. Guess what? She's "worldly". All the other JWs were talking about me; I wasn't even baptized. My "worldly" friend stuck by me. Yet, she is gonna be destroyed in Armadeggon? Yeah, ok.

    -My husband is "worldly" yet he supports me in whatever I'm doing.

    -Didn't Samuel or somebody consult a witch? And didn't David commit adultery? Solomon was a magician. All these things are against the bible yet these men are venerated. Sounds like double standards.

    -The ultimate AHA: JW is a cult. Easy to get in, next to impossible to get out with your mental health intact. This again does not sound like a loving organization directed by holy spirit.

  • tinker

    Getting past the LIE is very difficult and painful but there is another AHA momnet that is delightful. It is when you discover that Worldly People can be nice and good and you can develope friendships with them. It did take a few years to process the grief and move on to a new life but I have done it. I had always been interested in the art of Bonsai but never had the time and others would tell me 'you can have that hobby in the New World' HA! So I joined a local group of the brightest and nicest people ever. The WT world is small in number and mindset. Outside there are non-judgemental people who are interesting and intelegent, kind and thoughtful. I encourage anyone who is feeling lost and alone to get out and join a club or volunteer in something you are interested in. Librarys, hospital, park or community gardens draw cool people and possible new friendships.

  • NVR2L8

    I am still in the moment...but it first started when I realized that the WT was misquoting secular sources to support their teachings. Such dishonnesty lead me broaden the scope of my research. Then when the new light on the generation came along and I read the outline for the final talk before attending the 2010 district convention. On that same day we had the WT review and it was also the article discussing the generation! The brother doing the review look very uncomfortable when it came to these 2 infamous paragraphs and he read word for word the explanation from the WT. I just couldn't wait to see the reaction of the audience when the final talk would be given later that day...That was the deal breaker: people applauding, bobbing their head in approval and worse, most not reacting at all. I was looking at all the older ones siting at ground level taking it all in without realizing that their hope to make it through the big A and never dying had just been crushed, that 5 years from now most of them would be dead. I was furious. I asked my wife about it on the way home and she had no clue what I was talking about. At that point I told her that I had been at my last meeting...you can imagine the rest of the drive...

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I didn't have too many AHA moments because I always felt that something was a bit off about the witlesses and borg,


    when I was about 9 I realized, hey I'm a girl and I'm not the stupid and useless being they keep telling me I am.

  • Captain Obvious
  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    IE9 sucks... Or is it the JWN programming? Seems kind of old school..

    Anyway, my empty post was about giving some attention to the things that always bothered me, or I flat out couldnt believe. Some life events pushed me to look into things further, questioning everything I KNEW.

    The big ones though were the baseless blood doctrine, salvation by works, and other things that aren't in the bible. I always had a hard time taking the word and direction of MEN, especially when they are often wrong. After actually TRYING to prove the 607/1914 thing to myself, the house of cards fell in spectacular fashion. It hurt. I felt betrayed, as most of us on here can attest to.

  • Phizzy

    "I felt betrayed" you were betrayed ! they had been telling you several times a week that " it's the Truth", over and over.

    And then you find it is based on lies, and only survives by continueing to lie.

    It is just as hard as finding out that your beloved parent, who you looked up to and respected, and who constantly made sure you stuck to the moral highroad, is a secret perverted paedophile.

    Devastating, and such a deep deep hurt.

    The AHA moment puts us on the road to freedom, but the first steps down that road are painful.

  • dreamgolfer

    Couple of the things

    1) OVerlapping Generation KWAP (Elmer Fudd speak) Stupid

    2) Asking for $$$$ at Circuit Assembly when I found out the Rental was 1/5 of what they were stating was the "Shortfall" (that cost included FREE PArking) Absurd

    3) All the Money in selling all of SPAIN BETHEL going to USA Coffers and then leaving the country and all the friends that built it with Sweat. Tears and $$$ got left holding the EMPTY bag. Disgracefull

    4) not apologizing for the all Pedophilia and make the Settlement for the Silent lambs NOT at full disclosure (JEsus would have been ashamed of that situation). Embarrased

    5) Finally reading Freddies Book in 2010, was finally pleased with what I read - Happy

    I could go one,,,but they all add up to "gotta get out of here" pronto.

    I hope my wife can see it too! Help me help her


  • Fernando

    Powerful observation there Phizzy! "we should ask them probing questions that expose the area that troubles them."

    Hey dreamgolfer! I wonder how that might work for you - patiently uncovering and exploring your wife's concerns.

    One of my favourites is asking them to explain "legalism" and its exact opposite from the heart. If they find and read the article in the Watchtower library you would have gotten them to unknowingly read a powerful summary of Ray Franz' book ISOCF.

    Also check out "Learning from an Experiment That Failed".

  • fakesmile

    i have never told this to anyone. my lightbulb moment happened in 1999. i was champing to work my way up. i had a friend/study who identified with southern bathist(his words). after 2 meetings, he started parroting some of the terminology that he had heard from my recruiting and the meetings. i realazed how stupid it all sounded from the listener POV. i was gone 1 month later at the same time my study was moving. i hope he got out. i take full responsabillity. i hope he is doing well. he is a good ol boy.

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