Why do JWs take 10 pages to answer a simple question?

by biometrics 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • biometrics

    Whenever I ask JWs a simple question about the bible I get ten or more pages in reply.

    For example, I ask: "Why is Lazarus conscious after death (Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16)?"

    The brother says he'll get back to me. Then he gives me get 10+ pages of printed WTBS CD-ROM material and asked if I've been reading apostate sites (I think they want to DA me).

    So I ask another question: "Why didn't Jesus just use another example that didn't involve consciousness in a burning hell? I mean he must have known it would mislead some?"

    Instead of answering the question, I'm asked if I still believe the Watchtower is God's only channel on earth?

  • blond-moment

    It's all about the organization, nothing about the truth.

  • Perry

    BINGO! All you've got to say is that if the WT position is true, then Jesus lied to people for thousands of years until CT Russell could be born and get Jesus straightened out.

    I reminded one witness that there were no Watchtower materials on hand when Jesus deliverd this dreadful teaching. The listeners knew exactly what they heard.

    Instead of answering the question, I'm asked if I still believe the Watchtower is God's only channel on earth?

    That is a Threat meant to SHUT YOU UP. Welcome to the thought police. However, lots of people are just as nasty in their attempts to shut your mind down, not just the JW's. The JW's just dress it up well.

    Live life deliberately! FREEDOM is good, but is not free.

  • Ding

    Blond-Moment is right.

    The WT doesn't answer your questions; you are supposed to answer theirs...

  • WTWizard

    Because the answers are rubbish. They have to tie in the whole Jewish paradigm to answer a simple question--and usually, to the average Gentile, all they get is confused.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Have a really good look at the answer to see if it actually answered the question that you asked. In my experience, it never does.

  • biometrics
    Have a really good look at the answer to see if it actually answered the question that you asked. In my experience, it never does.

    I did actually read through the print out. It didn't answer my specific question, it just explained the Watchtower's position on the subject in very broad terms.

    What took me, was the brother's attitude after I asked the second question. The elder's face expression changed from happy to a death stare, then he started asking whether I've been reading apostate material. Then he calmed down and went on to make a little speech like: "what's the problem biometrics? Other brothers take the truth on and go ahead in leaps and bounds. You need to grab hold of it because the end is near. Even if some things aren't quite correct, where else can we go."

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Just ask the same question. The JW has to understand that he didn't answer it, that you expect him to answer it, and that you don't take kindly to being treated like a fool, having your character or motives questioned, lied to, deceived, distracted, etc., so that they can weasel their way out of answering it.

  • smiddy

    I totally agree BS,you have to pin them down to answer the question and not let them weasel out of it.

    To the unwary, they are masters of manipulation and deception , to throw you off your train of thought,onto theirs.


  • mP

    This is the same group who take a single line about the faithful and d slave and invent half a religion describing all its hidden meanings ...

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