Wt will Win case Before Supreme Court

by JT 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker


    Yes. It only becomes illegal if they start calling for specific acts to be done against someone. You cannot discuss the upcoming muder of someone and get away with it. You can, however, call down evil on all redheads and say they all deserve death. You can also get up on a soapbox in the town park and loudly proclaim death to everyone who wears green hats. But you may NOT point to someone with a green hat and say, "I'm gonna kill him right now!"

  • Farkel

    Hi James old friend,

    I agree with all those folks who say that if the Supremes rule against the dubs, we have lost yet another of our free speech rights. I'm all for them pounding on my doors at reasonable hours and I'm all about telling them the "go fuck yourselves," and I'm all about them having the right to preach their drivel. I hope that Stratton is a victory for the WTS.

    A simple point of order, JT:


    In that sentence the word is "Effect." Didn't you learn that shit when you got your college education at Bethel, old friend? Of course you didn't! Those bastards lied to you about your education when your slaved your black ass at the "Big House!" I hate them. But, you already know this.


  • Seeker

    You want to keep pedophiles from your door? Don't focus on this issue, for it'll never fly in the courts. Instead, focus on the silentlambs issue to force the WTS to change its policies. If the WTS mandated that all accused pedophiles be turned into the police, not the elders, experts could determine the facts and actual pedophiles would go to jail. And thus not be going to your door.

    And pedophiles can be male or female. Those nice JW ladies going to your door could also be secretly molesting young boys.

  • expatbrit


    Thanks again. It would be interesting to put up a web site advocating the death of all Jehovah's Witnesses, just to see the WT's reaction. Would they launch a lawsuit, I wonder, and use arguments from the opposite side of the fence? Rhetorical question only.


  • Farkel


    :It would be interesting to put up a web site advocating the death of all Jehovah's Witnesses, just to see the WT's reaction. Would they launch a lawsuit, I wonder, and use arguments from the opposite side of the fence? Rhetorical question only.

    Rhetorical or not rhetorical, that is beyond the envelope of decency. We do not need to stoop to their level, lest we become like them.


  • Seeker


    In fact, something similar has already happened. There is a notorious web site that names and calls for the death of specific abortion doctors in the U.S. Run by an extremist Christian right group. It only really caused a stir when a couple of doctors on the list were killed. That brought it into murky legal territory.

    The fact that they could go as far as they did with that web site shows you just how far free speech is protected in this country.

  • expatbrit

    Ok ok Farkel, don't get steamed. All my family are Witnesses too, yaknow! Just playing with some thoughts here.

    Nice to see you posting again btw.


  • JT

    I think that the town lawyers underestimated the power and control that the WT has


    the country lawyers just don't don't know the law in the USA too well
    it was a goffy law to start with.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Ooops, see below

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I really don't see how asking canvassers in a community to register their presence is a threat to first amendment rights. It could serve to protect the JW's from police suspicion while going door to door.

    Communities require all kind of parade permits for people who protest (free speech). I'm not sure that requiring registration of presence won't be upheld by the court. It poses NO threat to free speech.

    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

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