Does Anyone Know Anything About a New Request for Black Sisters at Bethel?

by OnTheWayOut 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • baltar447

    dafuq? Have you guys looked at some of this person's other videos???

  • baltar447
  • Jim_TX

    Wow. What a bunch of hooey! What next?

    If they are so concerned about having to spend money on products... why don't they tell the guys to stop shaving, and 'go natural'? After all... one needs to buy razors and shaving cream.

    Or, perhaps they will tell the women-folk to stop buying hair color. After all... that costs. There won't be hair color in the 'new system'. (If they did that, there might be a massive revolt by both the women... and men.)

    How about no perfumes? (I think that someone else already mentioned no deodorants...)

    Silly people.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'm thinking it's real. But the voices are computer generated.

    If it is real, I'm thinking the author is caucasion, and can't understand why women of color spend half their paycheck on hair care products. Wouldn't going nappy and natural allow greater donations to the WT?

  • tresdecu

    I watched the video dirctly on youtube, and you can see the comments. highlighted below for your enjoyment:

    O my goodness! Is this true? I'm a natural haired sister in the truth but even I have to admit natural hair ain't for everyone! Even I still struggle with it from time to time! I will have to admit that? it would be healthier to stop messing with those hair chemicals! I would love to have seen the look on some of the friends faces when this was announced! Lol!

    11 hours ago

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  • Yes this true. At our one-day assembly this past weekend, it was so many sisters that had gone natural. Some, where still wearing wigs to grow certain parts of their hair back, but they were natural underneath and can't wait to be able to? take them off. Actually a lot of sisters are on board. They realize that any harmful chemicals of any kind won't be allowed in the New System.

  • harmful chemicals of any kind won't be allowed in the New System <--- This one made me laugh!!!

  • slapme77times in reply to lela2216(Show the comment) 10 hours ago

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    • Yikes, and I? just bought an extra bottle of texturizer last month. Oh well, as long as it's new light, I'm happy to remain in harmony.

      justice1954 3 hours ago

  • lostinthought

    Lol! I must investigate, I have a sister at bethel and she would have a fit if she had to be natural...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My wife gets away with going natural because she's mixed, so her hair is easier to handle.

    So the WT found a source of untapped money. It's a huge market. Hair care products for persons of color is huge money. Now take something like that and spin it, and the money will start flowing

  • baltar447

    I just love how great this video is. The two dubs start going into the typical conspiracy theories trying to guess what the GB is thinking.

  • QueenWitch

    Please tell me this is not true. Going natural is a personal choice. Yes, the chemicals are harmful and until more (black) women educate themselves and until our natural hair is accepted as being professional, we will continue to use these products to unnaturally straighten our hair. I have recently decided to go natural, mostly prompted by being laid off and not having $100 to spend on my hair.

    OMGoddess, I'm so glad I'm not JW. So I suppose dreadlocks and braids are acceptable now? I mean, these hairstyles are best suited for natural black hair. I so want to ask my mother but she's not talking to me.

  • steve2


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