What are some of your favorite urban legends?

by BQE 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kep

    I was puzzled by that as well Dakota.
    Does that mean the angel protected the expensive machinery?
    During such experiences the borg like to highlight God's angels working for his people, guarding them. Yet they don't publicly speak of guardian angels.
    I think some people have Guardians with them, protecting them.

  • Joyzabel

    DR. I remember that one printed in a yearbook with the history of Germany. Good point, that the machine was worth more than peoples lives!

    How about the redneck who killed the pioneer on his front porch. Now he gets 200 hours a month in. The first 100 hours for the pioneer he killed and the second for himself, now that he's a jw!. (back when pioneers got 100 hours/month)


  • expatbrit
    what about the person who had a truth book in his front jacket pocket and someone fired a gunshot at him and hit him right in the chest right were the truth book was.

    That's quite miraculous alright.

    Shame about the other five bullets that blew his head off.


  • ofcmad

    I guess that is what happens when you suffer brain damage.


  • Stealth

    How about the guy who turned down a great job to go to the KM school, and it turned out that if he would have taken the job he would have been on the top floor of the World Trade Center.

    A legend in his own time.

  • kheli

    My ex-father-in-law (an elder) relayed this experience to me, we'll call him Bro. G.

    He was at his father's house (who is also an elder), when a call came from a sister in his father's hall. She called because she needed an elder's help. Bro. G mentioned that his father wasn't in, but he is also an elder and could help her. She said that she went outside to hang up laundry and when she returned, all of the dishes in her kitchen had come out of the cabinets and were broken all over the floor. Apparently, she had been having demon problems.

    Bro. G said "I'm sorry sister, but I can't help you." Then he hung up on her.

    So much for getting elder assistance.

  • teenyuck


  • TR

    I actually heard an elder say this from the flatform at the KH.

    "Bigfoot is probably a leftover nephilim."


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • Angharad

    The one about 2 sister's on the work and the owner set his two dogs on them, as the big nasty foaming at the mouth dogs where running at them they called out JEHOVAH and the dogs walked away[8>]

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    The funniest one I heard of was from a story posted here sometime back about the Smurf doll in the KH. Some child brought it in and during the meeting the Smurf said "enough of this shit" and walked out. I recall the poster saying even the Smurf doll knew shit when he heard it. LOL


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

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