I know my parents were scared to death about world events when they converted to the Jehovah's Witnesses....-Vietnam, people growing long hair (noooooooo!), society changing too rapidly, etc...- it was all too much for them. They wanted to be safe from the crazy stuff they saw around them...
I thought that maybe the times now were similar to those times, so there would be an increase in JWs. But no. Their message changed, and the new message is just not quite as motivational as the old message...
OLD MESSAGE: "You are right to be scared that it seems like the world is ending with all this crazy stuff going on...THE WORLD IS ENDING.....and it's ending in 1975! That's in like 2 years!!!!! And it could come even sooner!!!!!! Remember, 'no one knows the day or the hour!' Terrifying, right?? Don't worry! The Jehovah's Witnesses have a magic shield that will protect you and your family through the terrible distruction that you just KNOW is going to happen...any second now!!! Thank goodness we got to you and told you this before it was too late!"
NEW MESSAGE: We know the bible better than anybody and if you want to be good and if you want God to like you, you must join us. Also, if God likes you, you will get a super-duper prize: living in paradise forever with tigers and stuff! Seriously, you have to do this, or else you just are not really a good person.
^^the new message just isn't cutting it. It's not frightening enough.