There is almost an obsession with Homeopathy & herbal medicicine amongst many JWs in the UK. Much of it is fuelled by Jan De Vries who boasts "thousands" of UK JW clients. In fact , I remember at a JW gathering where De Vries products were being discussed & passed around and I gingerly commented somewhat skeptically about their efficacy and was angrily denounced as a virtual "apostate" for daring to question them. "Going down to see Jan De Vries" has become a regular journey for JWs with various ailments , real or imagined , who had tired of the advice they had received from their GP , and they always return , luggage somewhat heavier with potions , wallets significantly lighter! Most of the COs & their wives who stayed with me brought along a medicine box filled with De Vries products and Vogel's book "Nature Force" has pride of place in many , perhaps most UK JW homes.
He makes much of his background being taught by "Dr" Alfred Vogel , a Swiss JW ( now deceased ) who set up the popular Bioforce company. This isn't just limited to UK or Australian JWs. Vogel is huge in Germany and many JWs ( including a couple of my distant relatives ) work for Bioforce and there are several sometimes quite bizarre associated projects eg
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