Religiously inclined are Mentally Ill

by gravedancer 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • gravedancer

    No one has taken on the definition of mental illness so far. Is mental illness the same as mental imbalance? Is it the same as mental instability?

    I believe it is...

    That is why I answer that anyone who puts their life on hold or lives for some belief system (instead of themselves) is unbalanced mentally.

    What can't the defenders understand? It's ok to admit that you are unbalanced...we won't hate you for it.

  • ladonna


    Could you please define "sanity" for me? I would be interested in your reply.

    Great post!


  • siegswife

    While I realize you're just stating your opinion, I would caution you that you're showing some signs of mental illness yourself. I certainly hope that you aren't so delusional that you honestly think you are capable of judging the mental capacity of individuals; most of whom you have never met nor had any contact with whatsoever. Delusions of grandeur perhaps?

    To make such a blanket statement demonstrates a curious lack of awareness of your own limitations. I'm inclined to think that you're just trying to start some shit.

  • gravedancer


    I have not yet written my autobiography as a way for everyone else to model their lives yet...

  • gravedancer

    Siegs Wife,

    I would caution you that you're showing some signs of mental illness yourself. I certainly hope that you aren't so delusional that you honestly think you are capable of judging the mental capacity of individuals; most of whom you have never met nor had any contact with whatsoever. Delusions of grandeur perhaps?
    Perhaps I am delusional but I cannot see where I have judged any individual as mentall ill in this thread. In your lucidity perhaps you could show me where I have done so?

    Is the logic used too strong for you?

  • siegswife

    "My opinion is that if you are religious/spiritual then you are mentally ill."

    Yea, your logic overwhelmes me. ROFL

    Of the mentally ill class

  • wonderwoman77

    who says that everyone that considers them spiritual puts their whole life on hold? That is absurd. The all or none statements in this thread are a little much. When you can only see black and white, that is when you have an imbalance. Learn to see the gray and colors of life....

  • Five Gospels
    Five Gospels

    You said:

    No one has taken on the definition of mental illness so far. Is mental illness the same as mental imbalance? Is it the same as mental instability?

    I believe it is...

    This is both a red herring and a deliberate attempt to introduce a question-begging definition of the term "mental illness." This is nothing more than an illegitimate removal of your argument from the level of factual discourse to a purely linguistic plane. You are attempting to redefine this term in such a way that your contention cannot possibly be falsified. Most of the posters here are intelligent enough not to fall into your feeble language trap! Why do YOU refuse to defend your assertion that belief is warranted only if it is based on fact and that anyone who believes otherwise is mentally ill?

    You then said:

    That is why I answer that anyone who puts their life on hold or lives for some belief system (instead of themselves) is unbalanced mentally.
    Nice try but I won't allow you to redefine your terms. Let's stick with your original assertion:
    I made an assertion that people who base and run their whole lives on something that requires faith or belief (not fact) can be classified as mentally ill.
    Again, I say on what grounds do you make such an absurd assertion? (See my previous post.) You seem to be either unwilling or incapable of defending your assertion. Thus, its not the case that you are naïve as I proposed earlier but you are either stubborn or ignorant - or perhaps even mentally ill... hmmm.

    Finally, you said:

    What can't the defenders understand? It's ok to admit that you are unbalanced...we won't hate you for it.
    This defender will concede to no such thing until you can adequately defend your contention while obeying the simple rules of logic.

    What can't you understand? It's OK to admit that your argument is hopelessly flawed... we won't hate you for it.

    Five Gospels

  • Earnest

    Cogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I am - is the attempt by the French philosopher Descartes to prove he existed. Others use the more painful option of pinching themselves to prove it, but any reader of Lewis Carroll knows full well that we might simply be the figment of someone else's dream.

    In actual fact your only proof of existence is that you believe you exist...which requires far greater faith on much less evidence than a belief in the existence of God. With the exception of that limited number of people who don't believe they exist it would seem that we are all mentally ill. That would go some way to explaining the tone this thread has taken.


    "Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!" - Rev. Charles Dodgson.

  • ladonna

    Hi Grave,

    I didn't ask the question and intend you to take it as personal to yourself, but rather how "you" as a person define "sanity". Nothing personal, Gravy..


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