Did You Believe You Recieved "Blessings" From Jehovah or "No Blessings" Because Of What You Did?

by minimus 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I got a kick out of how many times JWs were told that the reason something good happened to them was because they recieved "blessings" from Jehovah God. And if they were going through tribulations and tough times, it was quite probably due to their failing in some way.

    Did you believe Jehovah wasw sometimes blessing you or cursing you?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I fell for that back in the day. I really gave it an honest effort and I would gauge the effort by the results

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
  • minimus

    I thought JWs didn't believe in miracles. A blessing as JWs view it is a miracle.

  • OnTheWayOut

    This sounds like a religion of "Job's comforters" in your question. I will not admit to any WT-defined sins here. I just knew that I didn't feel the Holy Spirit on the congregation nor on my own efforts.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    they don't beleive in "miricles", but I was always getting bombarded with people relating a "blessing". I often heard that when people were struggling, it meant that something in their home was holding back God's holy spirit

  • panhandlegirl

    My mother, who had been raised Catholic, always told me "we all have to suffer" so I never expected any blessings. Finally I asked her "why do we have to suffer?" I am not into suffering! I don't think I ever received

    any blessing from Jehovah and the elders and some of the members of the congregation seemed to enjoy making life harder for everyone.

  • WTWizard

    I felt that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag was actually singling me out to just do the work, without receiving any of the blessings. Wait on Jehovah? For what, so he can enslave me and lead me right to my damnation?

  • minimus

    "wait on Jehovah"....haha

  • tootired2care

    I always thought I never received holy spirit because of my actions, but then after being in an appointed position and seeing how things operate, I was convinced there was no holy spirit to be found no matter what you did in the WTS, just more burdens and brainwashing.

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