I drank the coolaid concentraited! If good happen I was being blessed, if bad happen I needed to work harder, bad dream I must have a demon in the house!Now I realize good happens and so does bad it's just life. If I work hard in life there seems to be more good returns. Dreams, I just have lucid dreams.
Did You Believe You Recieved "Blessings" From Jehovah or "No Blessings" Because Of What You Did?
by minimus 14 Replies latest jw friends
Always. When bad things would happen I would amount it to the fact idea that Jehovah turned his back on me because of something 'evil' that I had done, like watch a bad movie or listen to bad music. I never felt the same conviction as my friends did, so I interpreted that as being a lack of holy spirt. Turns out it was a lack of gullibility. Damnit I hate the organization! Just realized, right now, how furious I am.
If we were to bellieve everything we were told, we would be cuckoo.
To a certain degree I did or at least I tried to look at it that way, but there was always something about that particular world view that didn't make sense to me.
A brother I was close to completely cured me of it over the course of a few conversations (although that wasn't what he was trying to do, it just worked out that way). He completely ludicrous way of saying "Jehovah is blessing me for [THIS or THAT trivial thing]" really got me to see through the silly notion that it is. I did a thread on it recently. You may find it enlightening:
Jehovah, the God of Parking Lots
There's millions of unblessed Jehovah's Witnesses, isn't there?