I'm not too disappointed. I didn't have much planned for June. And the weather would probably have been lousy.
The world ends on May 27, 2012....
by pseudoxristos 73 Replies latest jw friends
I paid the mortgage. Im betting may 28 will much the same as may 27......
Black Sheep
Ron has given his last “live” sermon in this physical body.
He stated that the 7000 to die during the hour that Christ returns would be preachers, elders, and bloggers
So I guess I'm just not going to show up for work this week. My boss will understand... I'm sure.
Tomorrow's the big day.
The suspense is almost unbearable.
I've been out in my garden making it look reasonable on the hot and sunny day, so that Jebuz can take delight in it tomorrow.
My garden's looking particularly nice today too, cantleave, blackbirds singing in the trees, and best of all, absolutely no KH tomorrow, no need to wear a skirt and very boring clothes.
Isn't it wonderful, no Watchtower to "prepare", i.e. no need to make sure there are enough pen marks on the page to satisfy the piousneer who looks.
So tomorrow is 27th, and I'm making plans for Monday!
I'll bet my small paycheck that we will all be here on monday morning. Besides I'm not finished my gardening.
Hmm..... must have been canceled.
Not midnight yet :-D But bear in mind Thor already told me it aint happinin today anway