Lol cb.... Another day in paradise :-)
The world ends on May 27, 2012....
by pseudoxristos 73 Replies latest jw friends
I decided to check on my favorite prophet and see what he's been up to.
I checked his website and as predicted (sort of) I've found that he has followed the tradition of the Millerites and the Bible Students and changed his tune when the expected events did not occur. So, now the day of Christ's return is a literal year and we have to wait until next pentecost for him to actually return.
Enjoy the spirtual feast that this fruitcake presents here.
September 15, 2012
It is Sabbath morning as I begin to write this post, and I am struck by how quickly time has passed since my last post exactly three months ago. That post was entitled, “God’s Time.” Since God’s Church had been focused on May 27th to be the literal “day” of Christ’s return, that post stated: “…there was more to the meaning of this final day to which we had finally arrived. This literal day was the beginning of a final prophetic day.”
God’s Church believes that on May 27th God revealed we had entered the “day” of Christ’s return, but that it was a “prophetic day” which is a literal year in length, from God’s Holy Day of Pentecost of 2012 to Pentecost of 2013. We now have 35 weeks remaining before the coming of the King of kings to reign over all the nations of this world.
We are in the prophetic “Day of the Lord,” which is the transition of time where God will intervene in world affairs and prepare it for the return of His Son to establish His Government on this earth and bring an end to man’s self-rule that now has existed for 6,000 years. Mankind cannot successfully govern himself. No nation and no group of nations can deliver peace for this world.
So he's following Harold Camping's footsteps. Oh well... at least I won't have to worry about finding a job for much longer. **puts her feet up and leans back**