Relocating a billion dollar printing and real estate enterprise's headquarters is pretty darn big decision to make without knowing whether The Boss is ok with it or not. Gotta love it.
GB: "We don't know if Jehovah wants us to build new headquarters, but we're doing it anyway..."
by cedars 73 Replies latest watchtower bible
This is so clearly just weaseling out on Armageddon's imminent arrival. If it were to come in weeks or months or even a few years, Brooklyn facilities would be adequate. If they say God's direction are on their project, they might indicate that the end is delayed so they tried a weasel's answer.
I think this is a serious revealing of what happens when Ted Jaracz loads the GB with idiotic yes-men. They don't know how to stand firm on strong convictions and sell it smoothly.
I think WTS has clearly reached its crital point and will be dwindling faster than expected.
Amelia Ashton
If they allow tours I bet good little dubbies will photograph the logo but that wouldn't be considered idolatory at all.
If it was lower down and people could pose next to it for the pic that might be!
I agree it was a rather odd statement. I guess that many of the old-stagers are rather unhappy about moving away from Brooklyn ( those that haven't already been "re-assigned" to special pioneer status in some mid-West state. ) Maybe some of the GB will miss their nice apartments with views over to Manhattan. Or some of the accountants are concerned that the WTBTS won't be able to finance the move. It does seem rather ambitious & unnecessary. Shades of the plans to relocate the UK Bethel to Milton Keynes & sell off Millhill which were well along in the planning & abruptly cancelled in a knee jerk reaction to 9/11.
Well - if built , the Warwick complex will make a nice corporate home for a mid-sized corporate in 20 years time when the WTBTS again decides to "relocate".
For a high control group that claims its authority based on the leaders direct inspiration/communication with God, this is a major screwup.
"You must obey us when it comes to life impacting decisions like blood transfusions, your education, and your future. We know what God wants for you." "However we aren't quite sure what God wants us to do with our next building project". "He tell us what he wants you to do but he isn't talking to us about what he wants us to do."
So does God communicate with them or not? I would think that if God really communicated with these jackwagons that they would be a little brighter than they are.
Shades of the plans to relocate the UK Bethel to Milton Keynes & sell off Millhill which were well along in the planning & abruptly cancelled in a knee jerk reaction to 9/11.
I missed that one Dozy thanks. Is there an old thread?
edmond dantes
What they should have added to that statement is " judging by, no show New World, it's a safe bet that things will carry on just the same as they have been doing for the past 100 years so we will just decide amongst ourselves on what to do with the big bucks. "
Well - if built , the Warwick complex will make a nice corporate home for a mid-sized corporate in 20 years time when the WTBTS again decides to "relocate".
Actually, I was thinking myself that the new complex looks more like a lakeside retirement home than a world headquarters. Given the Society's current decline, that may well be fortuitous for the Governing Body!
cofty - yes I know what dozy is referring to. I knew someone who was helping the London bethel with its plans at the time. They took it to a VERY advanced stage before pulling the plug at the last moment.
The key word there is "yet" as in "we are not yet certain". This is the weasel word--it says to the true believer, we don't know right now, but in time God will direct us as to what to do (or how this will be used by God once we built it without having any idea whether God wanted it built). The other thing is, the only thing that really matters is the output. If they see the numbers heading towards 9 million in a few years, they'll take that as proof that God is blessing everything they're doing, including the Warwick headquarters plan. It could be proof that adding a new roll of toilet paper in the bathroom at a Kingdom Hall was done at God's direction. It really doesn't matter, it's all how they spin it.
Can anyone imagine the Pope and the Cardinals deciding to sell the Vatican and move to Switzerland - and then telling the world that they were just not sure god wanted them to, but it seemed like a good business decision at the present time?