" A deadly trap had been set. "
So we can conclude that the deadly trap was pioneering and being an elder who never said 'no'. Usually "deadly trap" is reserved for things like associating with DFd relatives, reading apostate literature, going to college, taking a promotion, taking a vacation, social networking, looking at porn, etc. Now in this case, it's clear that the trap was "spiritual activities".
This could become a DC drama!
Daniel and Sarah weren't living double lives. There's no indication that they had gone to college or even graduated high school. Likely, they both had minimum wage part-time jobs and made barely enough money to pay rent and put gas in their beat-up, old car. Neither of them ever smoked even once, rarely drank, never watched inappropriate movies, and probably never heard of the Internet except when mentioned in WT literature.
Sarah faces a dillemma. She's pioneering and working, husband is pioneering, an elder, and working. They have no quality time for each other, and the few times they might be free, they're both tired and have no money and then Daniel's phone rings... it's sis. Whineybitch again. Sarah doesn't even know what she would like to do if she had free time. Daniel seems to be happy doing whatever he's told, like a dog trained to do tricks. But he's the only guy she ever dated and they married young. And she does love him, or she appreciates him.
Then Sarah's phone rings. It's Billy, one of Daniel's students, that couldn't get through because Daniel was talking to Sis. Whineybitch (likely for the next 3 hours). Billy says that he has his brother's beachhouse for the weekend and wanted to invite them for a Saturday for fun on boat and beach!
"Wow! That sounds like so much fun! Oh..., wait, Daniel has an RBC meeting this Saturday, so we can't go."
Billy asks, "You don't have to go with him, do you? There will be some others from the congregation there. At least ask Daniel if it's okay."
"I'll do that. I've been praying to Jehovah that an encouraging opportunity for fun and recreation would come up." replied Sarah.
.... I think we know how the story ends .....

Billy & Sarah

So now we are aware of the REAL dangers. If a husband is only concerned with pleasing everyone else, someone else will come along to please his wife. Therefore, it is imperative that brothers be alert to the dangers of "spiritual activities" that will destroy your own home. When the Service Overseer or Circuit Overseer tries to come after you with a regular or auxiliary pioneer slip, just say, "No way. I saw the way things ended with Daniel, I don't want my wife finding love and attention in the arms of another man! Hell no!" And if a couple members of the BoE ask to talk to you before the meeting and ask you if there is any reason that you can't serve as a MS or an elder, say, "I have two reasons I won't serve... Daniel and Sarah. I don't want my marriage to be torn to shreds because of the endless demands on my time and energy such that my wife will look elsewhere to find a real man.
With this warning example from the WT about this wide-spread "deadly trap" of spiritual activity, it's clear that brothers need to spend less time at the KH and out preaching, and spend more time with their wives and families. And it wouldn't hurt if they improved their education and career so they could afford some nice vacations, as well as more fashionable clothes and grooming for the entire family.