Spelling/Grammar Nazis.

by Low-Key Lysmith 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Irregardless use to annoy me.

    One sister used to always inject, "The point being", in the middle of every comment

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I can't get spell check to work here. It works on the private mesages. No one appointed me grammar teacher. This is not my business. It is a casual internet forum. Commenting on spelling mistakes shows you have nothing to comment about in the content. Everyone makes mistakes. Strunk and White must have made mistakes.

    If we were paid to post here, perhaps we should be more careful.

    It is so peripheral. Not everyone has the good fortune to be born into a family with perfect grammar and spelling. My JW relatives murdered the English language. They were bright but not formally educated. It is a skill, not intelligence. Read Milton or Shakespeare- spelling and grammar are constantly in flux. No matter how good you are with writing and spelling skills, trust me many people are far better than you. See Shakespeare, Hemmingway, Dickens, etc.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Yep "Irregardless" & "use to" are a couple of my most hated.

  • blindnomore

    I get away with murder. Not an native English Speaking.

  • Dagney

    I have to be careful all day long in my spelling and grammer for work, as well as correcting others, and I'm not great at it. I'm not crazy about certain styles of writing on a casual board, but who cares...and who cares what I think!

    On a casual board, I think it's rude to comment on other people's posting grammar and spelling. Many times I'm in a rush and I see I left out a word or mispelled because I had no time to spell check, and I cringe. I think it is better to be accepting of all posting styles rather than intimidate and discourage a reader from expressing themselves.

    I remember a few years back close to when I came to JWN, a verrrrry famous JWD'er went on a little tirade about poor spelling, and "don't you want to do your best? Why not do your best!" In his own post he was called out for spelling errors. It discouraged me from posting for a while. Who needs to be criticized by a person who doesn't know or care about you when you are trying to heal from leaving cult and dealing with all the crap that comes with it?

    Edited to correct spelling and grammar.

  • talesin

    My name is talesin, and I am a grammar nazi.

    I hold it in quite well, but as jgnat said, it 'jars me'. I've always been a natural when it comes to grammar and spelling, and in my earlier years, made a very good living as an editor, proofreader, and technical writer.

    This is the world we live in, though, where everyone has a keyboard, and people *truly* believe they can write like a professional editor, just because they run their comments and/or professional documents through a spell-check program. NOT!!!

    I just thank the goddess that I have learned to relax, and realize that it's no big deal. Some days, and most likely it is a day that I am tired and/or not feeling well, I have to grit my teeth and bear it, but for the most part, I've become used to the fact that correct spelling and grammar is a nonissue for many folk.


  • cofty

    I find long posts with no paragraphs put me off trying to read them.

    I make lots of typing errors and spell check doesn't work in Chrome. I think it helps if we make some effort to correct obvious mistakes before posting comments.

  • talesin

    Oh, and LKL,,, I believe the correct word would be "piece",,, as in, that is my piece of the pie.


  • Frozenout


    Rearrange the letters below to spell out an important part of the human body which is even more useful when erect.P N E S I

    People who wrote SPINE became doctors...

    The rest are all my friends...

  • talesin

    TOO FUNNY, Frozen!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a tough time with anagrams,,, and would not have figured it out at all!

    Now, give me a math problem .... no problem!

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