The government appears to be buying enormous amounts of ammunition recently. I'll bet it's for duck hunting in the fall.
[Mental Note: Do not go hunting with Dick Cheney.]
by metatron 16 Replies latest jw friends
The government appears to be buying enormous amounts of ammunition recently. I'll bet it's for duck hunting in the fall.
[Mental Note: Do not go hunting with Dick Cheney.]
Metatron - why not just live for today and just accept whatever will happen in the future?
No one can do anything about solar, volcanic or seismic activity!
The history of this planet is strewn with mass extinctions and eventually our planet will become uninhabitable - so bloody what?
"a solar storm soon that could end civilization. It's hilarious what these conspiracy folks come up with"
A civilization-ending solar storm is a conspiracy by whom? Are the illuminati able to start a solar storm now?
Natural disasters are a fact of life on this planet. I won't minimize the possibility of a solar storm. They've happened before when civilization didn't rely on electronics and a power grid as we do today.
Civilization is going into uncharted waters of technology, dense populations, economics, etc. Just because some think tanks are trying to come up with theories, it doesn't mean that they're evil conspiracies. If anyone is really concerned with the possibility of solar storms, please begin taking classes on electricity and electronics, and build yourself a sturdy home rather than a flimsy McMansion, and keep your pantry stocked. If the storm comes, all the transformers in the world will likely need to be replaced, you'll have the perfect job. If the storm doesn't come, you can still enjoy a lucrative career and live with the thought that if a solar storm does come, you'll be the first to get restored electric power.
Wait a minute..... why aren't you laughing? Isn't it hilarious? ROTFLMAO? What's wrong?
This is all tin hat stuff, right? Silly conspiracies? No?
As I first said, a stunning lack of response to extreme events. That's my core point.
It isn't hopeless unless everyone gives up and says, 'it's hopeless'. The government could announce a crash program to defend the electric grid and check stockpiles of equipment. The American people could rise up and demand an end to encroachments on the Bill of Rights and also demand answers as to what the heck the government seems to be preparing for. They could have encased Fukushima in concrete.
Since the above isn't happening, I bow to your superior wisdom: it is probably is hopeless.
P.S. for those of you who ridicule conspiracy theories, please do one of two things:
1) search the internet for an odd full page document that claims to be a Treasury Dept plan to engage the US Army if the dollar collapses. You'll know if it's the correct one if it tells you what army groups are assigned to seize the Chicago stockyards and Federal Reserve Depository Institutions. If you find it, publish it widely, where it can be widely viewed - such as Yahoo message boards for gold mining stocks.
Once you do this, watch to see if anything 'funny' happens to your email accounts. Like sudden cancelation with no reason given.
2) Write a letter to a US government agency stating that you and your buddies want to develop a device known as a "Thorium Plasma Battery".
If you do, make sure your life insurance pays out to your next of kin in cases of murder, accident or disappearance.
Have fun!
metatron: What would you expect the US government to do in preperation to a solar storm? hand out tinfoil hats?
The world dictatorship is tightening its grip. Nobody can deny this. Something is up and it is very big.
"army groups are assigned to seize the Chicago stockyard"
Is this from 1906, or something? The Chicago Union Stock Yards ceased operation in 1971 after decades of decline. There's an industrial park there now, but nothing on the scale of when Swift and Armour were operating. If the dollar were to tank, I don't think the army would be concerned about invading the Back of the Yards neighborhood, unless they were looking for some authentic ethnic cuisine.
I'd much rather see army groups seize the Chicago Cubs and secretly replace them with a baseball team.
"They could have encased Fukushima in concrete."
The problem was that the spent fuel gets hot enough to destroy any casing, including concrete. It needed to be cooled but too much infrastructure was destroyed to keep power going to refrigerate the spent fuel. The facility was prepared for all kinds of disasters, including earthquakes and meltdowns. But the earthquake/tsunami destroyed more than they had really expected could happen. But it happened. If there was a conspiracy, it was by Mother Nature.