Can some one please tell me. Do men have one less rib bone than women? why?
Did adam have nipples or a belly button?
by edster 23 Replies latest jw friends
Are you serious?
Men and women have the same number of ribs; the account in Genesis is a story.
As regarding the question of a belly-button, well, a lot of time has been wasted debating if the mythical character Adam had one... does the tooth-fairy have wings?
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...
Iknew a guy that had two less ribs than the rest of us.. He didn't go out much.
Adam who?
Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.
Did Adam have a penis, while we're on the subject? What was its purpose, since he wasn't using it for sexual recreation and procreation?
Or did it perhaps get bitten off by one of the animals, therefore causing him to label them 'unsuitable as mates'?
How about this question: Was Adam bigger and stronger than Eve? Why? There's quite a clear correlation between sexual promiscuity in male mammals and the male to female size ratio. The species which are most promiscuous have the largest males relative to the females. (i.e. the elephant seal males can be more than 2x the size of the females) We know Adam wasn't screwing around behind Eve's back. Or was he?
"In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Yes, Adam had nipples.
No, Adam didn't have a belly button. Only those of us that came out of a woman's womb have reason to have a belly button. Adam didn't come out of a woman's womb.
No, men don't have less ribs than women because our mates have belly buttons. Get it?
Now ... does that satisfy your curiousity?
Only my curiousity on whether you're a complete blithering idiot. Good job.
I remember hearing the rib thing, as a kid, and trying to count my ribs to see if one was missing.
Gullible, huh? -
Nice one Naeblis...
Yardif, boldly being a dumb ass moron in ways he's been a dumb ass moron before...
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...
in answer to cellomoulds ??
does anyone else recall a WT 9study article) - maybe in the 50's that suggested adam had both male and female elements in him.. (otherwisse could not be removed to make eve).
so i have this thought of adam with a dick and tits -- the original chick with a dick!!!