A friend, non-JW, went to convention today. She observed about 1/3 baptized were youth.
I read article:
http://downtownjax.firstcoastnews.com/photo-gallery/79129-jehovahs-witnesses-convention-underway-jacksonville-veterans-memorial-arena?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wtlv%2Fdowntownjax+%28Downtown+Jacksonville+News+-+Your+source+for+local+news%29 ********************************************************** indicating last year's U.S. convention attenders hit about 1,800,000. Dividing the Tucson convention possible peak attendance for tomorrow, maybe 6,500? and muliplying that by 24, does not come out to much overall. (1,800,000\6500= 277 for avg.; 277 * 24 = 6,646. Some conventions, of course, are larger and many smaller, as noted in news of 382 total.)
Would you say, District Conventions have about twice the number of baptisms than circuit assemblies? So what could we be projecting? 2011, U.S. baptisms were 32,953. My disclaimer: I am not a statistician. And this is just one convention and I know several should be considered before jumping to conclusions. I hope some others here will report other conventions baptisms this summer.