24 baptized at Tucson, AZ today - attendance 5,670

by Gayle 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle


    28 baptized with about 8,000 attendance = .35% or .0035. Quite low. Baptized were age 9-69.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Just came back from one on the East Coast. Attendance numbers (roughly):

    Friday - 5,200

    Sat - 5,300

    Sun - 6,111

    37 baptized. If you use the Sat stats, then it's .69%. Using Sun, then it's .6%.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    UK this past weekend

    Sunday attendance = 8,000

    Saturday attenance = 7615

    No. baptised = 11

    I make that 0.14%


  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Dayton Ohio, this past weekend:

    attendance Saturday morning, day of baptism: abt 6400

    attendance Sunday morning, abt 6900

    Baptized: 34

    34/6400 = 0.53%

  • Gayle

    as the Service Year raps up for 2012 end of this month of August. Last of summer District Conventions rapping up in U.S. this weekend.

    Many reports about unimpressive amounts getting baptized at Conventions this summer. Hopefully another decrease again this year.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    11,125 attendance at the convention i attended with 39 baptized. I’m told speaker wasn’t too jazzed with the small number of baptismal candidates he was delivering his talk to. A disappointing 39 out of 11,125, .0035%!

    The love of the greater number among JWs may be cooling off in more ways than one!

  • steve2


  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I am continually shocked at how baptisms have dropped off, yet the typical witnesses don't seem to realize it. A circuit assembly this weekend in London Ohio had 2 baptized out of 900 in attendance. 2/900 = .0022

  • Phizzy

    That percentage is way way below the rise in the population, it does not even cover the faithfull JW's who have died in the last year !!!!!

  • NVR2L8

    I haven't been to a meeting since June 2010...but I was shocked to see 0 baptized with 1500 attending at one of the last CA I attended! Bizare to watch the brother giving the talk for no one...

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