My Grandmother

by Billygoat 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Billygoat

    Have you ever had that “aha” moment? An epiphany? The cartoon lightbulb ever come up over your head? Where something makes sense to you so quickly that it could knock you over with a feather? I’ve just had one today and thought I’d share it…

    My Grandmother is one of the most negative, small-minded, opinionated, stubborn, unpleasant women you’ll ever meet. She still lives in the town of 3,500 where she was born. Hasn’t traveled much out of town, let alone the state. Her father died when she was a teenager, she got pregnant at 16, married at 17, had three more kids by 23, divorced at 33, remarried at 33 to the man she had an affair with, lost two children to death, lost 3 of her 4 siblings to death, and is 70 and doesn’t have the money to retire. Whew. All that to say my Grandmother has not lived a charmed life.

    As a child, my father didn’t let us kids have much contact with her. She was not a JW, spoke openly against my father’s new beliefs, a heavy smoker, and an independent thinker (cynical and asked lots of questions) – basically a “woman out of her place”. LOL! So you can understand why my devout JW father wouldn’t let us spend time with her.

    When I was 19 and freshly Dfed, I made it a point to spend time with my Grandmother. She welcomed the relationship and did everything she could to make me realize she was proud of my newfound independence. We spent holidays together, wrote each other, sent each other presents, cards…we both really wanted to make up for lost time. Within just a few years, I began to realize something. Daddy didn’t want much to do with her for a reason completely different than she was NOT a JW. She was just plain unpleasant to be around. She smoked two packs a day (Not “digging” at you smokers, but when you’re not a smoker it’s unpleasant to be around.), complained about the weather (even when it was nice!), griped about my hair/makeup/clothing/boyfriend/jobs (even after I married a “nice Catholic boy” and got a steady job) and just found the tarnished side of EVERYTHING IN LIFE. Rarely had a sense of humor – except when being very sarcastic to the point of hurtfulness. When I started discovering what it was like to be around her, I began going to my friends parents for holidays. I quit writing her letters so much. I didn’t make my weekly phone calls. One Christmas, just a few years ago, we got into a full out argument.

    Basically it went something like this:


    ANDI - Don’t say anything unless you have something nice to say. I’m tired of hearing you gripe about my life. I’m tired of hearing you complain about how hot/cold it is outside when it is beautiful, if not perfect weather. I’m hurt over the fact that all you see is the negative stuff in life.

    GRANDMA – So you’re saying I’m a bad Grandmother?

    ANDI – No. Did I say that? I want you to start being positive. Instead of complaining about how much you hate my hairdo, say something generic. Like “I see you’re growing your hair out.” If I want your opinion I’ll ask for it.

    GRANDMA – I hate your hairdo. Why a girl with a pretty face like your would chop your hair like a boy’s is just terrible. (I had just cut off 15 inches of long straight hair to a pixie cut!)

    ANDI – I don’t want your opinion about my hair!!!

    GRANDMA – Well, I’m giving it to you because I want to do you the favor of telling you the truth. If I had an outfit on that you didn’t like, I’d want you to tell me, so I don’t embarrass myself out in public.

    ANDI – My opinion on your outfit doesn’t matter. It’s YOUR outfit. If YOU like it – WEAR IT! That’s what makes me happy – seeing you happy in your outfit.

    GRANDMA – What’s wrong with my outfit???


    And so on and so on and so on. This is what communicating with Grandmother is like. I hate it. It makes me nuts. I’ve not been to visit her since that day and barely talk to her on the phone but maybe 4/5 times a year now.

    Just today, I’ve realized that the attraction to the JW lifestyle was a no-brainer to my Daddy. It was comfortable. An obvious choice. The Wonderland euphoria and Mad Hatter logic was how my dad was raised. How could The Troof not be appealing? At least it offered a prize at the end of the game, which is more than what his mother could offer him.

    A handful of you have met me in person. Even without meeting me, you probably know that I’m a pretty upbeat person. I love to laugh. I love sappy love stories with happy endings. I love sunny days. I love yellow and bright colors. I love giving hugs and making others feel better. I do everything I can to encourage people, even if everyone else thinks they are a lost cause. What harm can it do right? I try to look on the bright side of life, but still keep a realistic viewpoint of my expectations. I almost hate to say this, but my Grandmother is my gauge. Sometimes I’ll hear something negative come out of my mouth and realize I sound like Her. I quickly try to correct my thinking and see something positive in a situation. I try to remember that there is a reason my Grandmother is the way she is…she’s lived a hard life and survived a lot of grievous moments. But I just hate the fact that I do that. It sounds so un-loving, but I can’t help it!

    Thanks for letting me vent! I appreciate it! Any comments or suggestions are gladly accepted. I DO want your opinion, even if it’s about my hair!


    PS: When I watch Seinfeld reruns and hear George's mother yelling at him or Jerry's mother fussing at him, I picture my Grandmother. What they say usually makes no sense whatsoever, but you're almost forced to respond to the stupidity of it all!

  • larc


    Ain't it something how some people carry on, and no matter how nice you are, they are negative. It is real draining on a body. Your grandmother reminds me of my wife's mother. She came from a difficult place, poor down in the hills of eastern Kentucky, yet her sister raised in the same place and time was as nice as all get out. Maybe some people are just born different, some destined to be happy and some to be miserable. It sure is a puzzle, that is all I can say.

    By the way, Andi, I love your hair, and I love you.

  • Billygoat


    Maybe some people are just born different, some destined to be happy and some to be miserable.
    I used to think that too. But this is why I don't anymore. When I left the JW's I was JUST like my Grandmother. Which I think is why we got on so famously. Misery loves company right? But being around her made me realize how awful I felt...depressed...and how awful I tried to paint others to make myself feel better. Seeing her behavior made me work to change mine. I don't believe anymore that people are born that way. Perhaps they have "tendencies" like alcoholics or addicts, but one can choose whether or not to live that lifestyle. I've just chosen to look at things differently today than before. I consider it a choice to be grumpy or happy in the matter what side of the bed I wake up on. Saying "I'm just that way" is a cop out. It keeps me from being accountable for unacceptable behavior.

    I'm sure your wife's aunt was a sweet woman! Everyone I've ever met from Kentucky has been absolutely charming!


    PS: Thank you!

  • teenyuck

    Hi Andi,

    I understand....I have two people in my life who are constantly negative.

    The first is my sister. She sounds exactly like your grandmother. Nothing is positive. She is the most unhappy, downbeat person I have ever met. And I have met a lot. I have moved all over the country and as a result have had a new job every two years. No one I ever met on the job could rival my sister for pure nastiness and negativity. (I hope those are words! )

    The hair cut is funny...I had my hair cut two weeks ago. I had long curly hair. I got a long bob with bangs. At my father's funeral two weeks ago the first thing my sis said was "oh, you got your hair cut...huh." No positive, but obviously she thought I looked terrible. Everyone else said I look better.

    My mother-in-law is also an unhappy soul. Nothing will make her happy. The weather in Florida is NOT warm enough, etc, etc, etc,.

    In my sister's case I really think she is mentally ill. There has to be a chemical brain imbalance for someone to NEVER see the glass half full. She has had therapy and her psychiatrist gave up and told her that unless she would take responsibility for her life and happiness, she never would be. She told my sis to call back when she was ready to move on. Of course she never has called back.

    My mother-in-law is just a jealous, "my life didn't go as planned", miserable soul. No matter what someone has she questions why she does not and why fate dealt her the hand of getting married to a loser and getting divorced. She cannot seem to see inside and decide that she is responsible for her happiness.

    I have come to the conclusion that my sister and mother-in-law are very unhappy with my life. My sister is jealous and angry I have a great husband and my mother-in-law is angry that I married him and never had kids to make her whole. (Figure that one out!)

    I have decided as you...I have almost no contact with my sister and as little as possible with my mother-in-law. My sister recently sent me a 26 page E-mail detailing my faults and why she is a better person. She dared me to send it to family. I did and my parents both agreed that every fault she said I had, she actually has and is projecting that on to me.

    I feel for you. It is really hard when a family member pulls you down. I believe you are doing the best thing by keeping a wide berth from your granny. Why be brought down?



  • Mozzer4Life

    It does sound like your Grandma does have a pretty good reason for seeing only the negative side of life. It sounds like her spirit was broken along time ago, and never quite recovered. But Andi, you've been thru alot of crap yourself, and still remain one of the most positive people I know.

    Negative people, yea, they suck to be around...take my friend Mark for instance, any going-out suggestion I give, he'll sure find something wrong with it. If I suggest going outside to hang, he'll complain that the cops might come by, if I suggest a bar, he'll complain that large women always bump into him while we're there. You can't win. I just try to be a positive person while around him, show him there is good in all, but more and more it seems to be a fledgling attempt. I try to pass off my positive energy to him, but when I see that I am absorbing his negative energy, it's best to leave.

    "I think about life
    And I think about death
    And neither one particularly appeals to me" - Morrissey

  • Billygoat


    She has had therapy and her psychiatrist gave up and told her that unless she would take responsibility for her life and happiness, she never would be.
    THAT is precisely my point!!! I have a responsibility. A choice. A decision. Will I be a grumpy little whiner today or will I take Life on its terms and be content? I think with a JW mindset, this is very difficult. You are trained to look at negative stuff. "What's positive in THIS world? Nothing!" But that's a bunch of crap. There is plenty in this world that is positive - little stuff in the minutia of your day that is positive. The sound of a Harley going down the street - even if it does help raise smog levels. The smell of fresh cut grass - even if it makes you sneeze. The happiness in my dog's tail - even if he jumps on me and snags my new pantyhose. Your MIL has a choice. It's just a matter of making it a different choice than what she's used to.


    It sounds like her spirit was broken along time ago, and never quite recovered.
    I've never looked at her this way. Perhaps she is just "surviving" life and not LIVING it? Thank always!

    I know you work hard sweetie when it comes to Mark. He's got SO MANY awesome qualities too. He's brilliant. He's gifted artistically. He's one of the smartest young men I've ever met. But if his negative energy is depleting your positiveness, by all means take care of yourself. Whatever that means. My solution to Grandma may not be your solution with Mark, but whatever you do, I'll support you.


  • safe4kids

    Hey (((Andi)))

    Your post brought back memories of my grandmother...they could have been sisters, I think. My grandma was so incredibly negative, about any and everything, that I finally got to the point where I rarely visited as well. I loved her dearly, but I just couldn't take the negativity and the constant nit-picking. When I would go and visit, she would complain about how long it had been since I last visited, and so on and so on and so on.
    BUT she went on a trip to Georgia to visit her sister and unexpectedly passed away while she was there. It truly broke my heart and for a while I was overwhelmed with loss and guilt. I finally came to terms with those feelings and I understand not wanting to be around a person who is so negative. I think my grandmother really was neurotic because she seemed to get much worse as she got older. I guess my point is that if I had it to do over, I think I would spend more time with her, even tho it was so hard at times, because now that she's gone, I miss her, even with all the baggage she carted around.
    I just reread what I wrote and I think it sounds like I'm giving advice...that's not what I mean to do!! I think each person has to figure out what they want to tolerate and act accordingly. I am just musing about *my* feelings and about a crabby, mean old lady who nevertheless loved me a great deal.

    Sorry for rambling, I'll stop now


    P.S. Andi, I also think you are one of the most positive people on the board. As you said, we all have choices. Life is all about perspective.

  • Elsewhere

    Billygoat, ever watch The Sopranos? Your grandmother sounds just like the grandmother on that show.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126

    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Carmel

    Now we know who FRED is living with! Explains a lot about his demeanor!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Just throwing my 2 cents in. With the way the world is it kind of 'dares' you to be positive, very challenging. I think older people have several things going on and it's even more challenging for them. In every way, physically and mentally they're not what they use to be (are any of us) and it's not going to get better, only speedingly my mom says, "getting old sucks" (she thinks young). And that puts stress on you's hard to be up and positive when you just don't feel right. I think a lot of them can't help it and it's just their way of venting...kind of a constant "ouch". With my older relatives I just take the "whatever" attitude with them...but the times that I do question them, I do it very neutrally or modify what's going on, just to put a mirror up to them...that sometimes gets them to look and themselves or what they've said and start backpedaling. I'll say things like "now why did you say that? I didn't see it that way" or "I think they were just trying to say...." or "why is that making you's no big deal". Also, think of it, as you get to the "twi-light" of your life, most of the world you knew when you were vibrant is gone...think of your world now...your family, friends, they way you understand life that makes sense, your capacity to do...they're almost all gone - there goes most of your emotional support. So the emotion that comes out to survive and combat the loss and bad feelings is a recipricol feeling of being negative. (Gads...I sound like a pyschologist! Sorry) Anyway, I'm glad your a positive person, and whether you realize it or not your Grandma loves being around's like a polarized attraction (negative / positive). She probably feeds off of your positive energy....just don't feed off of hers (and I know that can be difficult). For me, the greatest word in the English language for handling such things is the neutral "WHATEVER"....and go on... don't give it any power over you.


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