The WTS and Same-Sex Marriage

by Quendi 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quendi

    We all know the WTS position on same-sex marriage, but I thought it was interesting to see this piece on its website. I think what intrigues me the most is that the WTS approach is, as I once told the elders on my judicial committee, "inadequate, incomplete and insufficient". But there is more. The peice then goes on to give the typical fairy-tale solution to what it perceives as a problem with the experience of someone they call "Nathan" and how he was able to completely change thanks to God's holy spirit working on him. You can read about it here:

    It's not simply a matter of the usual WTS whitewash of a very complex issue, but the arrogance and stupidity manifested in its discussion. First it condemns people by taking Bible verses out of context and misinterpreting and mistranslating original language words. Then it quotes only those sources who agree with the WTS stance. Other voices are drowned in silence, being only vaguely and dismissively alluded to.

    If anybody thinks there aren't gay Witnesses still active in the religion who are also deeply in the closet, then he is only fooling himself. From individual congregations to a clandestine but active gay community in Brooklyn Bethel, the WTS has always had gay members in its ranks. Many of these people have partners with whom they have cohabited for years. Yet the WTS wants to wish this away in the cornfield and act that all of its people are as straight as an arrow's flight.

    If it weren't for the fact that the WTS's actions have caused much pain, misery and suffering to many of its adherents I'd laugh. How many young men and women have even been driven to suicide by this organization's stance on their real nature? How many families have been torn apart because the WTS demands that the family's gay son or daughter be shunned? How many have unwisely entered into marriage because the WTS either openly or surreptitiously suggested that marriage was a "cure" for their homosexuality, thus setting the stage for future disaster?

    Whether the WTS wants it or not, same-sex marriage will eventually be legalized in the United States. I'm sure it isn't happy that its home state of New York has already sanctioned it, and that despite heavy opposition from the Roman Catholic Church among others. It will be interesting to see what directions it will give publishers about handling same-sex couples they encounter in their house-to-house canvassing work. Doubtless it'll botch that just as they have other issues relating to marriage as in the Selma and Steve mess.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Quendi, for what is, as usual, your excellent commentary.

    I happened to see the title to which you refer several days ago when perusing the WT site. Given the merciful and broadminded stance they have occasionally occupied on some matters (too few, unfortunately), I wondered if the GB might have lightened up.


    Isn't wonderful, however, that Nathan's authentic self was washed away with his sins at baptism? [notwithstanding what the Society actually teaches regarding what does and does not occur at baptism] Nathan and Sally are happily married, very much in love, and this new man has eyes ONLY for his beautiful, submissive wife....

    Sigh ...



    Hi, Quendi It's funny. For the longest time I haven't gotten on that site, but yesterday I wanted to find out something, so I put in the horrid Your link above was what popped up, too. I started to read, but then I didn't want to end up puking, so I stopped. I was curious if this was a new article, but it was from 2005. Probably around the same time I hardly went to meetings, and for everything I was dealing with at the time, perhaps I was graciously spared from seeing all that crap. That would've made me even guiltier...and then who knows what would've happened.

    As a coincidence, today is the 5th year anniversary between my g-friend and myself. In the past, there were many days I thought would be my last, and it breaks my heart when I read of someone actually killing themselves because it is a better alternative than living in the current state of hell they have to endure, day in, day out. Yea..Homosexuality is a choice. Fucking ignorant people

    Sorry, but you can NEVER pray away the gay. You may be closeted forever &/or never act on your feelings, but rest assured, they don't magically go away, (well, maybe with Sparlock's magic "wand" they might....but that's another story altogether ) no matter how many people wish it to be so, especially the individual struggling with who they really are. If that were to be so, then I suppose that there would be no such thing as a gay Christian, because POOF! once you pray to "take the gay away", someone would be instantly "healed". Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! But I'm afraid it ain't that easy now, is it?

    So glad I NEVER have to sit in a kingdom hall seat cringing when study articles like this are done. I could never raise my hand, although I swear there were times I just wanted to and yell, "Why don't we just kill all the God damned gays and be done with 'em?" Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if people would clap or nod in agreement. I might've actually been a hero in their eyes Like I said before, I am sure if orders were given from the top Jehovah "told" the GB his people were to commence a cleansing, people would actually listen.

    Anyway, sorry for another long post. Once I start, my heart rambles forth.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear AK:


  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I wonder how long it will take for the US to go after the $ociety as being a terrorist group?

    I mean they constantly print hate messages with hidden instructions for their members and are extremely anti-government.

  • irondork

    Quendi: It will be interesting to see what directions it will give publishers about handling same-sex couples they encounter in their house-to-house canvassing work.

    They will have to change their position on divorce.

  • Quendi

    What's really interesting about this piece being highlighted on the WTS website is that it was taken from the 8 April 2005 issue of Awake! That was seven years ago. So that means the WTS has made no change in its stance and is firmly opposed to any kind of same-sex relationship no matter what secular governments think or do. Of course, this is the same organization that warned people against entering interracial marriages too, although in far milder and much less belligerent words than the Awake! article does.

    The WTS has often been accused of being very Americo-centric and I think this instance is a glaring proof of that. While the article is seven years old, only now, when same-sex marriage is starting to gain acceptance in American public opinion and the American president has finally endorsed it, has the WTS seen fit to once more denounce it by making it the banner piece on its website. The Governing Body wasn't too concerned when Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain and South Africa made same-sex marriages legal. But with the waves of same-sex marriage finally washing its own doorstep, the WTS has evidently decided to once more warn Witnesses that they can have absolutely no empathy, sympathy or tolerance of same-sex marriage.

    I want to thank AK MCGrath, CoCo and Disillusioned Lost-Lamb for their remarks on this topic.



    CoCo & Quendi

    (CoCo, you actually made me tear up...such a little thing, you may think, a icon, but I feel like, for whatever reason, I'm not liked much on this board. Not sure if it's my long-winded posts, the colors I choose to post in or if I offend people, (or just my own paranoia, although I think I am pretty intuitive for the most part) but your kindness came at a day I thought would be my last postings on here. Honest to God. Not that I wouldn't lurk, tho. This is a little life-line of sorts. But I sincerely wanted to thank you for your kind gesture. It means a lot to me)

    Sorry, Quendi..I didn't mean to hijack.

  • Scully

    Whenever some ignorant so-and-so says that being gay is "a choice", I always throw it back at them and ask them if they remember when they made a choice to be straight.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Happy 5th anniversary AK and partner

    Raised as a JW, I used to believe homosexuality was a choice, thanks to the brainwashing I received. Since I left the JWs, my views have changed radically and I'm a better person for that.


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