Conflicting Advices for Married Couples

by FlierMate 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FlierMate

    Below are two excerpts from the same publications.

    You Can Remain Chaste in an Immoral World
    The Watchtower - July 15, 2000

    To married Christians, the apostle Paul gives this counsel: "This I say, brothers, the time left is reduced. Henceforth let those who have wives be as though they had none." (1 Corinthians 7:29) What does this entail? Well, the followers of Jesus Christ are to 'keep on seeking first the kingdom.' (Matthew 6:33) Therefore, married couples are not to be so absorbed in one another that they give Kingdom interests a secondary place in their lives.

    Stand Firm and Avoid Satan's Traps!
    The Watchtower - August 15, 2012

    To avoid adultery, you need to think deeply about what it means to be loyal to your marriage mate. Jesus said: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart." (Matthew 19:6) You should never think that your work in the congregation is more important than your marriage mate. If you are away from your mate for unnecessary reasons, your marriage may become weak. Your or your mate could be tempted to commit adultery.

    Did I misinterpret the message brought by the magazines?

  • shamus100

    Oh, how does one make heads or tails from a printing corporation who's motto is 'if it feels good, print it'.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    This reminds me of a poster I would see outside the DA's. It was a person with his head drawn as if it's flipping left to right. Above it had a caption that said; "Truth?" I didn't realize the significance of the poster until I started to scratch the surface. Nice catch mate

  • wasblind

    Nice catch

    No surprise though, this is the same organization that's srewin' the minds of little children and young adults

    This org. produce more nuts, than Jimmy Carter ever did

  • kurtbethel

    It's called Bible ping pong.

    The way it works, I quote a verse to support my doctrine. Then you quote a verse to support your doctrine. Back and forth.

    The amazing thing that the Watchtower has accomplished is that it has perfected playing Bible ping pong with itself.

  • ShirleyW

    Flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop . . . . so what else is new ?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Before writing an article, u would think they would research their own recently published material

  • Fernando

    As wha happened and wasblind said: "Nice catch"

    When will we humans get just how destructive our COMMAND and CONTROL ideologies are of humans, society, health, spirituality and business?

    Ray Franz: "What has happened with the Watch Tower Society in the field of blood illustrates forcefully how legalism can lead an organization into a morass of inconsistencies, with the possibility of its members suffering whatever unfavorable consequences result."

  • garyneal

    Weeeeellllll, the work in the congregation should never be more important than your mate. Remember men, love your wives as Christ loved the congregation and you wives, be in submission to your husbands for you must remember that Christ is the head of the man and man is the head of the woman. We just must keep in mind that with the time left reduced, we must also not forsake the kingdom work. A loving husband would remember to follow his head and would never tell his wife to work against Jehovah because He is his head over Christ.

    How did I do?

  • MrFreeze

    My head exploded garyneal, so well done.

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