Conflicting Advices for Married Couples

by FlierMate 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • garyneal

    This is not much different than what I experienced in my old IFB church when the pastor proclaimed that anyone who is a member of his church but goes and visits another church has committed adultery against his home church. So I left and joined another church and sometime after that, he and I were on the phone talking. He asked if I was going to church and I told him that I was and told him that I joined that church. Then we talked some more and as the conversation was about to end he asked me to visit his church. I asked him what about when he said that that would be the same as committing adultery against the home church he said, "Weeeellll, ..." and backpedaled big time.

    Double standards.

  • garyneal
    My head exploded garyneal, so well done.

    There you go, confuse the flock to the point that they say, "Uh huh, OHHHH, OKAY!" They walk away no better off than before but at least the dissonance was eased.

  • Ding

    The beauty of giving contradictory directives is that if they want they can reprove or DF you no matter what you do.

  • garyneal
    The beauty of giving contradictory directives is that if they want they can reprove or DF you no matter what you do.

    Yep, sounds almost like a good ole boys club.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    a two headed coin

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