The Blood Issue.........Maybe You Forgot.

by Night Owl 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Night Owl
    Night Owl

    The blood issue is NOT a medical issue.

    If blood transfusions were 100% guaranteed to be safe, JW's would still refuse them.

    It is all about their interpretation of certain scriptures concerning blood.

    You can make every reference known to medicine in mankinds history, and it doesn't make a bit of a difference.

    It is a religious issue.


  • ldrnomo

    I have not forgotten

  • Gayle

    That's their bottom line.

    Then, they can take parts/fractions of it ....but most would say they won't take any of it.

    contradictions, contradictions

  • blondie

    And even with the so-called scriptural issue the WTS sidesteps it when they allow jws to choose to use hemoglobin-based products made out of stored blood (human or animal). (lev. 17 11-13)

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions


    Jws are encouraged not to have abortions even if the prgnancy is very dangerous for the woman. Because she might not die, if she's reeeeal lucky. Yet blood is usually not dangerous, but the WT pretends that it's no-blood rule is at least partly about it's "dangers". Ha, yeah right.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    They do have a bottom line with flawed reasoning. That's why they're completley defended in the scriptual view. You can't get passed the flawed logic.

  • blondie

    Flawed logic = speaking out of both sides of their mouths

  • Dogpatch

    Actually it's a Freddy Franz issue:

    Blood Transfusion ban was Fred Franz's Invention

    After the Judge's death, as World War II was ending, and persecution against the Witnesses began declining, along with the attendant drop in news-media publicity, Hayden C. Covington told the author that Fred Franz saw the prohibition against blood transfusions as a way to accomplish two things: to continue to publicize the religion, and to create an uproar in the community. This reaction would convince the membership they were being "persecuted" and "suffering for righteousness sake," a sure sign they were "in the truth."

    Before the hysteria began over adapting Scriptures pertaining to animal blood and applying them to human blood, the Watch Tower Society had acknowledged these Scriptures pertained to animal blood only: "The law of Jehovah God is against the intermingling of animal matter with any human blood, as it is stated in Leviticus (chapter 17)." This is proof, using their own literature, that the Scriptures in both the Old and the New Testaments, used by the Watch Tower Society in the blood issue, were formerly understood to be references to the improper use of animal blood.

    But Woodworth, joined by the unpredictable Fred Franz, thought nothing of applying all animal blood verses to human blood, and especially in the modern life-saving technique of blood transfusions for humans.

    The first statement in which the new blood position was implied (that position originated by Woodworth, supported by Fred Franz, joined still later by President Knorr, and still perpetuated today by the Watch Tower leadership) was prepared by Fred Franz and published In the Watchtower of July 1, 1945.

    "Seeing, then, that the Most High and Holy God gave plain instructions as to the disposition of blood, in harmony with his everlasting covenant made with Noah and all his descendants; ... therefore it behooves all worshipers of Jehovah who seek eternal life in this new world of righteousness to respect the sanctity of blood and to conform themselves to God's righteous rulings concerning this vital matter." - The Four Presidents of the Watch Tower Society, p. 75

    Author Edmond Gruss interviewed Knorr's right-hand man who was beside him for years, and he knew all the hidden policy stories during Knorr’s reign. None of them contradict what some old-timers at Bethel already knew. The Witness Mr. Gruss interviewed formally posted often on the JWD discussion board before he got too ill... Gruss interviewed him just in time. I proofread the book "The Four Presidents" for Gruss right before it was released, and was amazed to find Fred Franz’ motives in developing the blood transfusion doctrine – what a story that is!

    If any Witness actually got the point, it would shake them up pretty bad. But it is only one of many similar stories from Rutherford and Knorr’s reign over the Watch Tower organization contained in the book. One would have guessed it was Knorr or Rutherford who were really the worst leaders of all. Evidence now reveals it was Fred Franz, and for all the wrong motives, none of which had anything to do with the Bible!

    Fred Franz was responsible for the death of perhaps tens of thousands of JWs, all a sacrifice to increase persecution on the poor Witnesses and keep them reactive in their opposition to the churches and the Red Cross.

    Methinks this will be a monumental year.

    Randall Watters

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    This really needs attention again

  • gubberningbody

    It's not a scriptural issue.

    If it were, there'd be a scriptural explanation regarding why some fractions are acceptable, while others get you disfellowshipped.

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