It was last updated in 1985. Does the Watchtower still print it? Could a JW place an order for one at the Kingdom Hall?
Does the Watchtower still print the "Kingdom Interlinear Translation" book?
by Resistance is Futile 16 Replies latest jw friends
Good question RIF , I would be interested in a response as well ,any one ?
I actually have a copy of this, and it was one of the things that brought me into the whole thing.
I too would be interested to know how currently accepted it is.
The last time I ordered a copy it was 2007. It took a while to arrive, but it eventually came.
I can't imagine them striking it from the stock list since then, but if they have, it would be disappointing.
moggy lover
It is my understanding that no, they do not print this book anymore. There was only one print run of 800,000 copies and that was in 1985. There may be some lying around and it may be possible to order one through a local KH if you know someone.
The next best thing is to download a copy from the Internet. I believe these are still available.
There was also a 1969 print og 700,000, in purple.
I received a copy lasy tear, sp it is still very much around.
Well, I did not receive it "lasy tear", but "last year", and the "sp" is better understood as "so" ..................
Room 215
They've recently taken to discouraging the rank and file from efforts to learn/study Bibilical languages
Does anyone know why they produced it when they were already using the Emphatic Diaglot. Was it to slant the translation toward their doctrines?
one of the most important aids in helping me escape.