For any who are actually interested in an interlinear NT for personal study/research (beyond just in relation to the WT):
I reccomend "The Word Study Greek-English New Testament" by Paul R. McReynolds. It has the NRSV in a side column along with the USB3 for the inline Greek and a very literal English rendering for the Greek. It also has Strong's numbers above the Greek (except for the definite article - For these it has a numbering system of 1 - 24 to identify the Case, Gender, and Number). After the text of the NT it has a Greek concordance coded to Strong's and page number links to TDNT, NIDNTT, BAGD, and Louw/Nida.
As I understand it, it was a class project of sorts directed by McReynolds. Therefore it has my vote as the underdog interlinear.
After I got my copy of BDAG, I used the McReynolds Greek Concordance to put Strong's codes in BDAG. (That took about 2 weeks of lunch time.)
It costs about $30 - 35 at ChristianBooks.Com. A lot of times you can find it at Books-A-Million for about the same price.
I love the looks of silence I get when I show a fellow JW that I found an interlinear better than the KIT. (For the decreasing few who know what the KIT is.) To be fair, the KIT is handier sizewise. The McReynold's interlinear is a little smaller than the Reference Bible.
As useful as the KIT might be, its dishonest - certainly not in everything, or even most things. But it can't be fully trusted. I saw this when I saw that they couldn't even bring themselves to leave the comma in Luke 23:43 where its at in the WH text.