Were you feeling the love from the "brothers" and "sisters"? If you did, for how long??
Did You Feel Truly Loved By The Witnesses?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
No. It was all just words.
When I first began attending meetings some were warm and friendly but it did not last.
I did ... until they stopped.
If it's conditional, it isn't love!
The "loving brotherhood" ---- where are they??
Same as 00DAD.
They just up and vanished like a fart in the wind -
LOL discreetslave... Love the Shawshank reference!
For me, it was a little of both, depending on where I lived at the time. My home congregations were mostly snobby, with the exception of one that was warm and welcoming. I never felt especially close to those who were in for years and years, but new converts always had a special place in my heart. There were two other congregations that I attended that I felt did have some genuine loving people. If not for the control of the Watchtower, we probably would have remained friends.
But the others? Full of rich snobs who judged you based on appearance and economy. I can't count how many congregations I was miserable in due to cliques and people who had sticks up their asses.
finally awake
I did at first, but then I got baptized and the love bombing stopped. Eventually i realized it was all fake
No, I never felt loved by the JWs. I bent over backwards to 'widen out' and make freinds. Take brother 'Window Washer' out to lunch after the sunday meeting, then never hear from him again exept for a distracted hello in passing at the next meeting. A lot of things like that happened to me and my wife. Many times we would make plans to invite brother Janitor over to our house for dinner and he would never be available. Or this one- Trying to be part of a conversation in a small group of witnesses and have someone cut me off in the middle of what I'm trying to say and continue on like I never even said anything. That always made me feel good...
Shit, at least some of you guys got love bombed when you first joined up. I was pretty much a witness from 5 years old on so I didn't even get that. No one coming up to me and acting happy for me when I got reinstated one time made me feel like crap. For me the worst thing of all, and one of the reasons I left the witnesses was that I didn't feel loved by god any more. It seemed like I had this awesome relationship with god. I'd go on long walks and pray and gush my heart out to god and for a long time I felt like he loved me but then it stopped. I lost the feeling that he cared about me because I was going through some extreme emotional abuse from my jw parents (had two breakdowns because of them) and so I'd go outside at night, look up at the stars down on my knees and say tearful prayers begging him to help me. It only took a few times of doing that before I realized he wasn't going to be there for me. Looking back I feel like such an idiot for thinking he would help me.
They loved WHAT THEY COULD GET OUT OF ME, nothing else. They miss my boasting session attendance, they miss whatever I did in field circus. But, when it came to helping me in ways that actually count, nothing. I don't call it love when they positively refused to help me with the opposite sex despite promising me such assistance.
And that goes for Jehovah himself. He did nothing more than talked the talk--while expecting me to take the next level before doing anything. Study. Attend the boasting sessions. Do field circus. Get baptized. And that would lead to pious-sneering, Beth Hell, being a hounder or assistant hounder, Value Destroyer Training School, and ultimately wasting my life trying to hold back the Age of Aquarius while Jehovah refuses to walk the walk. And even after I left the cancer, Jehovah and his filthy angels are still pulling the same rubbish. Read the LIE-ble, apply something in the LIE-ble, go to church, join the church, sign up to volunteer for church, and ultimately pxxx away my life in Nigeria on missionary work while Jehovah talks the talk about how I can get the opposite sex if only I do more, but refuses to walk the walk. No love there.
Now that I see Satan as our Helper, Jehovah continues showing contempt for me. Every time Satan tries to walk that walk for me, Jehovah's filthy angels get in the way and undo whatever Satan attempts to do or prevents Satan from even communicating in the first place. This betrays contempt from Jehovah (and, going back to him in any way only results in him talking the talk all the way to Nigeria, not the opposite sex). And, if Jehovah wants to exploit me and prevent me from advancing in personal life, he surely doesn't want the congregation to care for me.