Amen to rule #1 snowbird....
Soon enough, now...
by AGuest 24 Replies latest jw friends
Actually, it's the poster, Bizzy Bee's #1 rule, but I second the motion.
I'm so stuffed now that I can barely summon enough energy to do the dishes.
There is a Mexican Restaurant that sells 8oz bottles of Ajo. There is so much that can be done with liquid garlic. Also have a stand of wild garlic along the back fence row.
One of my favorite lunch snacks is a saltine cracker spread with cream cheese, topped with a smoked oyster and a jalapeño pepper and Ajo sauce as well. You should see the looks I get in a café when I ask them to put garlic with my omelet. If you don't cook with garlic, onion and olive oil you are not a cook....
If you don't cook with garlic, onion and olive oil you are not a cook....
Hear, hear!
Oooooh I love garlic! And tomatoes, I just luuuuuvvvvvvvv tomatoes... Oooooooh and onions and all kinds of vegetables (apart from brussel sprouts, but that's another thread is it not Shel ) and sweet foods, savoury foods, in fact ALL kinds of foods!
Even when I ate meat I hated Lamb, always tasted like soil and grass blergh!