OOmpa is going to have a company full of Ex Dubs...that would be funny.
I have decided to become rich...and have told all my JW employees...and this really rambles otwo!
by oompa 27 Replies latest jw friends
i am just a lowly janitor who really really hated it right out of high school...but i had some good and i guess creative ideas... i hated third shift cleaning so much i figured out how to become a consultant for large companies and taught them how to save big money by doing their OWN cleaning using their own staff....but utilyzing MY programs, training/dvd's, support, products and even down time contracts on equipment i leased them...as it grew i spun off three other divisions...and two are unrelated to my original biz cause i hated it remember? ...i believe in diversification bigtime...and good luck helps too..............oompa
It is wonderful that Jehovah can use you to benefit "His" people. Many will think that way.
But really, truly- good luck with that. Best wishes to your goals.
and i cant help but laugh and nearly get a hardon knowing how many bruddas in the region dont HAVE to do biz with me but do...how many khalls i still supply!!! many still have accounts with me and pick up their stuff and drop off their checks!!!!!
and some of you dont realize that oompa just has never been able to hold a grudge agains PEOPLE (religions i can)...so when my first wonderful wife sadly went mental for a few years...i took care of her and bought her a home nearby and got her and her new son set up to start another jw life together...and then in a few years i hired her for field work ONLY just to give her a leg up and get back in the working world...she helped me found this company and has always been one of its best workers...so that turned into her running my service/parts dept for over a dozen years now...geeze shoot me...and now my still soon to be ex jw wife STILL works there one day a week and my lawyer says not to fire her...at least not until the divorce is final!!!! oh and they both have been in the same hall and even bookstudy for years now!!!! one big happy family
and oompa is such a bad evil mean husband and apostate that she has BEGGED me to let her keep this job and wants to do it at home if at all possible!!!! I swear i am not making any of this up!!! i will pm you one of my company websites if you want...and wow i just decided to update my gallery with pics of ALL my wonderful co-workers that treat me as equals....and also those that don't.... since i dont practice ANY sort of religious, racial, nor sexual discrimination in my workplace...cant say the same for them............oompa
So you own the cleaning companies that the JW's work for......that's sweet. And your being a better Christian to your workers then they can be. oompa! You've got enough people working for you to start the first church of OOMPA.
i do have a bit of a dilemma...if ME MYSELF speaks out on anything at all religious they will bitch and likely quit and sue my ass for discrimination and my lawyers says BE CAREFUL!...but i have zero recourse on the discrimination i and my son sees every day...but wife says in the settlement and alimony decisions that she just wants to "leave everything to her (jw) attornies"...so she wont look like the bad girl for "taking me to the cleaners"....well i have thought about just letting it all roll right into a court trial with my ol jw parents, friends, and yes wifE on the stand to answer a few questions about how they have treated me...and how it is abuse, bullying, discrimination in the workplace...maybe it would help my settlement even...and it would not be ME!!!...just my attornies too like she says.............oompa
one lawyer associate of my attorney does a bunch of workplace discrimination suits and is interested in seeing if there is someway she could be involed in this case as it is a kind of reverse discrimination situation where the owner has no real recourse being discriminated against. that could be interesting...but would likely cost a lot of money...ANOTHER REASON TO MAKE MORE MONEY!!!!
Found Sheep
I miss cleaning some days. As many JW's right out of HS to pioneer and clean. Did houses, offices, windows, stripped and waxed floors.... I may pick up a house or two once we figure out where to live... hourly much better then nursing and less poop to clean
oompa, sent you a pm