Legal Dept to Sue Google for Youtube Videos and owners

by smithmandy1 43 Replies latest members private

  • JeffT

    I'm sure Band on the Run could shed some light on the legal issues, but I think it unlikely that the WTBS would so. First, it can't be libel if you're using their own material. It could be a copyright violation, but if youtube is taking down the videos when notified of the violation, the issue has been addressed.

    If they did sue, the real fun would start in discovery. The defendants can ask all the questions they want, and ask for all the materials they want. They could, for example, ask for a copy of every article or talk outline containing "1975." The production would be costly and the results create more problems than the suit would solve. From a PR standpoint, there best bet is to lay low.

  • wasblind

    I guess the bottom line would be to prove we made sparlock up and pinned it on the WTS

    after all , that DVD is so stupid,, that's what folks are thinkin'


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    "The Watchtower Society did issue some take notices for the first round of videos. It backfired and now they appear to have given up. I can see how that could be spun in the JW world to the Watchtower Society waging a mighty legal batlle against Google and vile apostates."

    I betcha this is it. This is one of those JW urban legends like how the WTS is first on the scene after natural disasters.

  • cofty

    WTB&TS don't get to make the laws.

  • LostGeneration

    Candle Surgeon did it right, fair use disclaimer right at the beginning of the video. I doubt the WTS can do shit about videos like this:

  • Paralipomenon


    1) It would be difficult to sue for damages for a product that doesn't have a price.

    2) Google has a takedown procedure in place that insulates it from direct legal liability

    3) I would hope that the WT's lawyers would look at the Viacom v. Google lawsuit before attempting this.

    The best they could hope for is willful infringement and demand that Google turn over the IP address of offenders for private prosecution.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It's all BS. 99% of the population have no idea what the legal process is. 'Dubs love to claim that their 800 lb gorilla of a religion is out to kill the apostates through the courts. The very same courts where the GB denies responsibility to victims of pedophilia in the cong

  • LostGeneration

    If Jehovah really cared about his name, he would use magic miracles to delete all apostate websites and critical Youtubes the instant they were uploaded.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Oh yea, I'm sure the 'dubs are all safe now that their little organization is out killing apostates through the courts. What dorks

  • blindnomore

    Is that right? I got to keep myself going! The Watchtower, look out! The legal actions against you are on your way.. Remember all the malicious slandering, defamation, and criminal level blackmailing you have brought on to us?

    Hey, simthmandy, thanks for the idea!!! Here's Kingdom Hall conferance number for you: 1-1874-1975-2014. (youre welcome!)

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