If Jehovah really cared about his name, he would use magic miracles to delete all apostate websites and critical Youtubes the instant they were uploaded.
Hmmmmm. . . I wonder why he doesn't do this. . .
by smithmandy1 43 Replies latest members private
If Jehovah really cared about his name, he would use magic miracles to delete all apostate websites and critical Youtubes the instant they were uploaded.
Hmmmmm. . . I wonder why he doesn't do this. . .
Not gonna happen. The WT does not need thousands of apostates appearing as witnesses against the hate that is taught in their literature and Kingdom Halls.
So maybe all those uncited scholars, experts, etc. can sue the WTS for failing to include bibliography, by that logic. I mean, they plagiarize their own literature AND the scholarly writings of others. Come on!
mandy lulz: I've just heard from my elder hubby that....
That right? Well I just heard from my wife's hair-stylist that your hubby is full of shit.
Carry on, YouTubers.
If the DVD contained a valuable message for parents about the importance of having well behaved obedient children then the fact that is getting as wide an airing as possible would surely be a "good Witness". The problem is it is not a general dvd about good parenting but an explicit attempt to control children and encourage conformity to a specific religion. As such the message is uncomfortable and damaging outside the organisation. The society designed the story for a limited group of individuals who would receive it in a very controlled way so that the problems with the DVD would be presented as positive points. The proliferation of the you tube videos takes the rug out from under them.
I am sure that if the soiciety could they would love to prosecute individuals but if the DVD is offered at a public venue at no charge then why is the simple act of putting it on you tube an issue? Is it because you tube isn't the audience they want to see it? So it is not the clips that are the issue but the audience and the availability to view the video out of context.
They claim that their role is a Bible educating work for the public but they only want the public to view certain materials. This must be worrying since you have to question the intergrity of any religion that has extreme materials that they do not want others to view.
I think this is empty speculation and an impossible task especially since many of the later videos are critical analysis and fall within posting guidelines.
Thank you, nugget. Information control at its finest would be at work in that scenario.
poor Rick Fearon.
"legal proceedings are beginning to take place against Google to remove slanderous videos against the watchtower from Youtube and its video content owners"
Haaaahahaha! Watchtower has spent the last century legally establishing their free speech rights in order to slander all other religions and even the government. Now they're getting their panties in a bunch because people are using those same rights to honestly exposed THE TRUTH about Watchtower Corporation and Jehovah's Witnesses? Oh the irony.
In order for them to have a case based on slander, WT would have to prove that the videos are each individually slanderous. They couldn't simply do a class action suit against any video mentioning JWs. The burden of proof would be on Watchtower to prove exactly which statements are wrong and how they suffered damage.
As far as copyrights, they are able to make claims. I remember that they put pressure on V for using one clip from a bOrg video. It was easier for him to just replace the clip. Their problem with claiming copyright is that they can't claim financial damages. Musicians and film companies have a case because they are in business to make money from the material. JWs are going to be posting their crap for free on their website, so they can't exactly say they lost $XX because of copyright infringement.
The very foundation of their lawsuit would be that they are being damaged by their own offensiveness.
Smithmandy your first mistake is listening to your Hubby, the second is posting rediculous warnings.
Hey Sweets,
If you want fast facts, don't turn to the news station, go to the local beauty shop
they drop it like it's HOT
Jus' sayin' , I ain't the type that gossip no sireeee , not me
Pssst. Hey Sweets, I heard that husband was a doozy, keep that twix us now. don't tell