
by NewChapter 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    Interesting date, makes a change from going to the pictures (movies)

    Cats deserve it but bid your aunt hate you?

    She was just giving me a demonstration on how to use my first gun. We used cats in the training. They are good for something you know.

  • cofty

    They are good for something you know.

    At last a use for cats ;)

  • Lozhasleft

    I'm ok with being called a Brit. Great Britain currently consists of Scotland Wales England and Northern Ireland. UK encompasses it all including Southern Ireland. I wouldn't say ' Chinks ' our area it's considered racist. I used to be proud....nowadays I'm not so sure. I'm ashamed of this right wing government and the way it treats its people.

    Loz x

  • cofty

    UK encompasses it all including Southern Ireland.

    Eire will be very surprised by that news!

  • AnnOMaly

    Is it true that Brits have bad teeth?

    Yes, it's absolutely true




  • cedars

    You can call me a Brit any time, I don't see anything offensive in that term at all.

    I suppose certain Welsh or Scottish nationalists (or Northen Irish republicans) may have a problem, but the majority of British people in all four corners of the British Isles are happy and proud to be recognized by that term.


  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Yes to Chinks being a racial slur in the U.S. Earlier this year when Jeremy Lin from the NY Knicks was all the rage, but then had a bad game, a sportswriter used the headline, "A Chink in the Armor?" and was fired posthaste.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I was in Ireland staying at a B&B and met some nice Welsh folks there. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of calling them English and got an earful along with a quick lesson in Welsh language. I believe "good night" is something like "byvvyl zyvwxl"

  • talesin

    Cats deserve it but bid your aunt hate you?

    O.o ............ Cofty, you have made an huge tactical error .... cats deserve it?

    now IT'S ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    boc: 'good night' is 'nos da' in Welsh. ('Nos' pronounced with a short 'o', 'da' pronounced 'dar'.)

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